TMI Tuesday: Body Piercings

Some of you may know, some of you may be surprised, but… Jen and I are pretty pierced.

Between the two of us, we have at least 8 piercings other than our ear lobes. (We’re getting this TMI Tuesday off to a good start, eh?) Jen and I are 28 and 26, respectively. Are we too old for this?

I still get weird looks in the street sometimes for having a nose ring. Men and women over 50 love to point out that we’ve got holes in our face. I don’t mind answering “Did that hurt?” questions, but I can’t help but wonder if they’re asked more as a point to state their passive opinion about my body modifications.

The Woman Behind The Dogs

Is this taboo? Are we too old for this? If not, are we supposed to limit what types of piercings or jewelry we have? (For example, nose studs instead of lip rings?) Is there an age where piercings are “inappropriate?”

What do you think? Is there such thing as “too old for piercings?”

Probably watching Netflix.