Clothing-related emergencies are among the most potentially-embarrassing when you consider the scope of potential daily emergencies. It won’t help you acquire coffee on extra cold days, or get out of bed on Monday mornings, but it will help you in daily emergencies that occur after you leave the house.
Daily Deal: Pinch Emergency Purse KitPinch developed the MiniMergency Kit, which comes with a really adorable case and contains a myriad of meltdown-preventing tools that will save your life in a pinch. Everything you need to survive a day (particularly a day at the office or a day of presentations) can be slid into any bag for safe keeping and impending doom.

What’s in there?

Daily Deal: Pinch Emergency Purse Kit

Contains: hairspray, clear nail polish, nail polish remover, emery board, lip balm, earring backs, clear elastics, mending kit, safety pin, Shemergency® tape, stain remover, deodorant towelette, pain reliever, tampon, breath freshener, dental floss and adhesive bandage.

Pretty. Much. Everything.

Whether this is for you, or your bridesmaids, or your daughter – you’ll definitely be racking up good karma by preventing Nuclear Mondays for someone who deserves it.

Check it out!: Pinch Minimergency Kit, $9.99 at Madewell

** This kit is totally TSA compliant!

Probably watching Netflix.