
So welcome to the first post in the cheapest blog on the internet. Well, probably not the cheapest, but darn close. My entire goal for this is to show people (like me) that there are ways to look, dress, and get all the benefits from being a cover model while still being able to eat, live somewhere, and keep the collection agencies off your butt.

People (particularly women) feel better when they’re dressed well. It’s a scientific fact.

Okay, it’s not a scientific fact, but if you’re here – you probably do. When I see someone walk down the street and they look pulled together, it’s awe-inspiring. When I get to walk down the street looking pulled together and not frantic, it’s motivating to me to accomplish everything I set out to do and conquer the world. Everyone deserves to feel this way. If books do it for you, that’s fantastic. If plastic surgery does it for you – um, have fun! But beauty does it for me, so that’s why I’m starting this; to show people they can reflect their inner self without dropping a few grand on their credit cards.

Lindsay: Probably watching Netflix.

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