Linkasaurus! 3.1.08


Pink Rock Candy expresses her opinion on the new Marc + Hilary Clinton “love affair”.

Spoiled Pretty exposes the media’s new obsession with makeup for children.

Trendmill covers Marc Jacob’s plagiarism accusation. Stay out of my news, buddy!

Fashionista ponders whether the new Subversive for Target jewelry line is really worth the green.

Fashion Week Daily encourages you to try buying jewelry… for charity? Awesome!

Fashionista uncovers -yet another- Forever 21 “inspiration” (i.e. copyright infringement).

Too Fat for Fashion expresses the (rightful!) disdain over model Ali Michaels expulsion from Paris Fashion Week. Over what? 5 lbs.


Spoiled Pretty is giving away a 15 color palette of eye colors from Starlet Cosmetics!

Style It Less is giving away a BUNDLE of Mac goodies, and a Nomination Star necklace – over $400 in loot!


Lindsay: Probably watching Netflix.

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