I’m Wearing: Technicolor Dreams

I had my first taste of “warm” this week, as temperatures rose and sat at around 80 all day on Tuesday and Wednesday… After my cathartic first Chicago winter, it was an absolutely welcome sight. And feeling. And… well, how about this: It was really flippin’ warm this week and I hope it doesn’t stop being warm for quite some time. Screw eloquence, I’m LOVING SUMMER.

So I decided to abandon my black on grey on black wardrobe for a day and let some of my new wardrobe pieces debut. I buy things and don’t wear them for months, it’s just how I roll. I think of it as a really organic, natural process of building a relationship with your clothes… (Okay, get ready for some crystal-fortune-teller stuff.) I see clothing as little beings; little creatures with moods and personalities. Sometimes, you’ll put on your favorite shirt (that always looks amazing on you) and it’ll look completely awful – your shirt is having a bad day.

Imagine this: a new dog comes into the neighborhood (okay, stay with me here…). The other dogs in the neighborhood have to circle around it a little bit, sniff it, get used to the new dog’s presence. That’s essentially how I view my wardrobe. When I get a new piece, it feels out of place and awkward – even if it’s the most beautiful, perfect piece of clothing ever – and it has to meet and mesh with the other clothes in there before I can really see it as “part of the collection” and meld it with other pieces.

… Anyway, that’s my anthropomorphic view on fashion. On to the outfit.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, or have a social life or something, you’ll likely recognize the radioactive orange footwear I’m rocking from the sidebar column, “Contemplating Murder For…”. They’re the most amazing 80%20 Lily Patent Covered Wedges that I stalked, hunted, and killed for myself with the other Demoiselles a few months ago. They are not only my favorite pair of shoes, visually, but they’re currently the most comfortable shoes I own (aside from my Chuck Taylors, of course). I can’t disclose whether or not murder was executed to obtain the shoes, but you can sleep soundly knowing that I have them in my hot little hands, finally.

Additionally, I’ve added some small jewelry pieces to my non-existent collection. One is a tiny, red rose from Siany O’Hara’s Emporium of Whimsy on Etsy. It’s seriously so tiny and so cute… I bought it to remind myself not to compare myself to other people – so far so good! I also have a beautiful, turquoise ring that my beautiful Grandmother bought me for my birthday. I haven’t taken it off since I received it, and I can’t wait to wear it forever!

Top, Express, $15.99
Pants, Marshall’s, $10
Black Knit Moto Jacket
, Torrid , $38
Adjustable black belt, Target, $10
Shoes, 80%20 Women’s Lily Patent Covered Wedge, $50
Necklace, Etsy, $4
Ring, gift from Grammy

What are you wearing today? How do you treat new clothes that enter your wardrobe? Immediately wear, or wait a while?


Lindsay: Probably watching Netflix.

View Comments (12)

  • While I'm not sure I view my closet QUITE in the anthropomorphic ways that you do, I do see a few similarities. I tend to jump in to wearing a new pieces as soon as possible/as I can. But after that, if it doesn't automatically become BFF/the popular girl in school, it may sit in my closet for awhile, waiting to make the right friends...

  • I love the outfit (and the shoes, of course) and am now wishing I was wearing the bright colors you are. Instead, I'm in a pallette of gold and blue tones: the gold Nine West t-straps you love so much, my mustard/gold sweater, a lacy dark blue tank, and a pair of taupe cropped pants with blue pinstrips.

    Anyway, I love that shirt. And I love how healthy you look. :)

    Jennifer Nicole´s last blog post was Links à la Mode!

  • I love, more than almost anything, mixing different "genres" of clothing. Like your billowy, romantic top with the edgy biker-esque jacket. Fantastic combo; loving it!

    • Thank you!! It's the first time I've taken the plunge and worn the jacket out... I'm still a little nervous about it!

    • WOW. 2 years? I could maybe go 2 months without wearing something... But 2 years is hardcore!

  • I need to wear something almost as soon as I buy it! Haha...usually that night or the next day...I am incredibly impatient!

    I love that stop on you, by the way.

  • Your outfit is amazing today. You should wear bright colours wayyyyyyyy more often.

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