Skinnies + Wedges?

So Jen and I were having a conversation today. It lasted about four minutes, but the main discussion point was:

Are skinny jeans/pants and wedges at war? Are they supposed to be together, or do they look weird?

In my experience – they look weird. Almost always. The wedge just makes your legs look like 4″x4″ posts with some toes on the bottom (if they’re open toe wedges, of course).

But then, Jen said she bought a pair of low wedges (almost flat) that looked okay with her John Varavatos skinnies… So now I feel like I might be missing out on something great.

What’s your experience?

(PS – Do you love my collage lady with gigantic feet?)

Lindsay: Probably watching Netflix.

View Comments (7)

  • I have to say if the wedges are low, then yes skinny jeans are fine. But any higher... it looks kind of strange to me.

  • Hm, I'm undecided with this one. Now you've got me thinking girl ;)
    .-= MY Fashion Frenzy´s last blog ..09 Emmy Awards: Barrymore Hits ‘The Red Carpet’ =-.

  • I have to say, if it's just a wedge that looks like a regular pump in the front, how would it look different from wearing pumps? I have wedges I've worn, up to 3" with jeans, and they've always looked fine... but I also don't wear ones like your lady is wearing either...
    .-= Ashe Mischief´s last blog ..Scando-Style by the Fabulous Sarah Von [of 'Yes and Yes'] =-.

  • I looooove pairing skinny jeans with wedges. I absolutely do. I'm short, and I feel it makes me look somehow taller. I think it's fun for summer!

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