Working Out: A Stylish Affair?

Photo by Vosicka Pro on Flickr

When I workout (HA!), No but it is true, I even use a personal trainer Bournemouth & Poole. I typically just wear lightweight baggy sweats/yoga pants, a wifebeater and a zip-up hoodie. Obviously, there’s a little aesthetic awareness, but I’m not clamoring to done Pucci leggings with a matching bra top.

I once read somewhere that Taylor Momsen (Little J, for those who need it) “needs” to be fully clad in makeup, hot clothes, and done-up hair to really enjoy the experience of working out… I’m down with the decent clothes, but makeup and hair make me fear running mascara and hair that looks worse than if you hadn’t bothered with it at all.

So, as usual, I’m curious: am I alone in this? Is there an entire army of women who love to get all gussied up for the big sweat?

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Lindsay: Probably watching Netflix.

View Comments (8)

  • I have a totally cute yoga top from Lululemon (there's a store in one of the malls on North Michigan) and it is an embarrassingly large part of my motivation. It makes me look way more competent than I am, which helps with my confidence. Plus, knowing that I'm wearing the "right" clothes and look good in them helps focus me on what I'm doing rather than how stupid I look doing it. That said, I am pretty sloppy in all other respects; I usually go to the gym with the worst hair of the week, since I won't shower the night before if I know I'm working out the next morning. But yeah, no point doing makeup.

    jfount´s last blog post was jfount: Shouldn't have gotten back in bed. It's too cozy in here!

    • Oh! I love Lululemon - it's pretty pricey, but I like to set goals and get something there as a reward when I achieve them. (Better than food, and it lasts way longer!) :)

      But yeah, I agree - applying makeup before the gym? No way!

  • I'm all about comfy yoga pants and an old (but semi-fitted) t-shirt or tank top when I work out. Only after I'm done and feel totally fit and sexy will I get made up...and go out!

  • OMG that is so ridic. okay we may have done that in high school when we were scoping out our crush at the gym and walking 2 miles per hour but nowadays, lady please?! We are down with the nice workout clothes- I mean some of them are even functional (hiding sweat marks are a must!). Little J is becoming a Diva like Miss j! Ick!

    Katie´s last blog post was Recessionista Thoughts of the Moment-Live Luxuriously, Save Money! Board Games, World’s Smallest Horse from Oprah!!

  • I don't work out...I just go salsa dancing and even then I don't get gussied up. I like wearing jeans with a nice top and some chandelier earrings because I can't carry a purse but still need my coat check tickets and drink money (hence the jeans--they have pockets!). But even then I don't wear makeup other than mascara. You sweat so much when you work out or dance...if your face is fully done up, isn't that bad for your skin? Won't it clog pores?

    lisa´s last blog post was New Look, New Home, New Name, Same Lisa (Kinda)!

  • I might wear eye makeup that I put on earlier that day but I always wash off my foundation/powder - for oily/acne-prone skin, wearing makeup while working out & sweating can spell trouble later! Dressing up in cute workout clothes never hurts though :)

    Megami´s last blog post was The Megami Diaries: Valentine’s Weekend!

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