A Love Letter to Capes

Dear Capes,

I know we’ve never talked much, and to be frank I’m a little afraid you’ll read this letter wondering who I am, and why I would write you. But we have a connection, however tenuous, and my hope is that we can strengthen that connection through the next few months.

I’ve seen you around: in stores, on television, in fashion spreads. I learned a bit about you through Lindsay, when she explained your history to the curious masses. (I hope you don’t mind her divulging your past. I’m sure it was with good intentions.) In the past month or so we’ve run into each other at places like Marshalls and KMart, chatting harmlessly before going our separate ways…but I’ve continued to think of you and, dare I say, want you.

ASOS Soft Coat with Kimono Sleeves ($146.36 $82.33) and Cape in Heritage Check ($146.36)

We’d be such a good fit, Capes. When autumn comes (it’s so warm for September, isn’t it?) I’d like to be the one to put you on to ward against the chill. Sometimes you have a hood, and I think that would be great when Seattle decides to make with the rain again. You’d feel right at home, you know?

BB Dakota Chalhoun Plaid Cape ($114) and Aqua Gold Button Cape ($148 – a little steep, but what a great shape!)

I’d take you downtown, to the office, out walking with the dog (do you like pets, Capes?) and to the weekly farmer’s market. We could pick out produce together – how fun!

If you’re not the committing type, or if you just want to take things slow, I could start with something more casual. How does an open-knit sweater cape sound, or maybe a t-shirt cape, poncho-style? Would it be easier on both of us for me to wait until you go on sale? (You ARE a little high-cost for me right now, at an average of $100 or above. That’s not a criticism; you’re just popular!)

This must all seem so sudden to you. Who is this crazy girl, writing letters declaring her love before you’ve even been formally introduced?

The truth is, Capes, that I believe we could make a go of it. Your classic warmth and my always being cold, your unassuming front slits and my small but always moving hands, your trendy-but-long-lasting style and my need for a coat that isn’t ugly…it all comes together, Capes. It all comes together.

So, my dear, dear Capes: I ask, my heart in my throat…

Will you keep me warm this winter?

Love, Jennifer

Jennifer Nicole:

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