Giveaway: Late Birthday Presents

For those of you who don’t subscribe to The Broken Record (our newsletter!), you may not know that your are currently in the midst of an awesome giveaway!

The Broken Record has been around for 10 issues now (!!!) and never really got the Welcome Party it deserved… So, like a crappy ex, we’re scrambling to make up lost time by running a super-sweet giveaway for our subscribers!

That bag that you see up there is the prize at stake, and it may or may not be filled with cool beauty stuff. May. Or may not.

Anyway, we’re entering the first 200 people who subscribe, but those spots may fill up quickly! It’s the first 200, no more, no less – so if you’re into this bag, sign up quick! (You can either visit the page, or sign up through the box in the upper right of this page!)

We’re giving all kinds of secrets away on our Facebook page, so follow along if you want to keep an eye on this giveaway!

Here’s the scoop on the bag, taken from The Broken Record!:

This could easily be an everyday bag, a laptop bag, a school bag, or just a gorgeous (huge) handbag – there is even a cosmetics pocket inside! There are two, faux-leather piped pockets on either side, and adorable faux-leather corners which give it a cute, classy – almost vintage! – vibe.

The dimensions are 15″ wide x 13″ tall x 5″ deep. I mean… this bag is big! But not unreasonably big, due to the skinny width of the bag, which decreases bulk. I wish you could touch it – the fabric is so soft and strong! Like one of your Dad’s old, flannel shirts.

Pretty sweet, yes?

The only way you can enter this giveaway is to subscribe! The winner is picked as soon as we hit 200.

Good luck!

Lindsay: Probably watching Netflix.

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