Guess Who: Handbags & Shoes for Under $50

It’s time, ladies and gents! My first installment (personally, that is) of…

It’s no secret that I love shoes and handbags. No matter how happy I am with my current selection, I always want more. It’s a curse. (It also seems really stereotypical, which makes me scrunch my nose up a bit, but whatever.)

I found some classy styles for our game today. Let’s play, shall we?

1. $39.95

2. $49.95

3. $14.95

4. $39.95

5. $39.95

Ready to make your guess? Do you have an inkling as to who it is? Click below to find out!


Kelly & Katie…by DSW.

What a weird surprise, am I right? DSW has their own brand now, and they’re doing bags, shoes, and whisperings are being made about umbrellas. The reviews I found are positive, too: these are great office-appropriate-but-still-interesting shoes, and sturdy (and expensive-looking) bags. Here’s the list of styles (with links!):

The last bag has me swooning (so classic) but they’re all gorgeous. I also chose some intense heels, but Kelly & Katie has approximately one gazillion deliciously cushioned flats, too. The fact that all of these styles are under $50, and that reviews describe the shoes as comfortable and the bags as “better in person” (translation: not plastic-looking) is a big freakin’ deal.

Jennifer Nicole:

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