I’m Wearing: Gardens

As Jen mentioned in her last outfit post, benefitting off of someone else’s holy matrimony can now be added to our resumes and list of interests.

When we saw The Corson Building, our eyes were saucers. It is a beautiful old house with an indoor waterfall, iron gates leading to an edible garden (complete with fountains)  and beautiful, grassy lawn. After poking around and smelling the fresh basil and mint, we realized that enormous banquet tables were being set up while a dashing Italian man was running about adding decorations and sprucing up the grounds.

Oh. Someone’s wedding. Well… We should probably leave then, right?

Ha-ha! How little you know Jen and me. Someone else has beautiful taste in natural decor, flowers, and days-to-get-married-on? They won’t mind if we reap a tiny bit of benefit… I think they’d want it that way, don’t you?

This adorable location was nestled right next to train tracks that were covered in newly dried, autumn-warning leaves. There were more poppies than I could possibly count, which camoflauged me (from anyone who might yell at us!).

Don’t mind my lip balm pocket bulge… Sigh.

This magical shirt is by Karen Kane, and was initially sent to Jen, but our mailbox is up the street from my house, so I snagged the package. Bad idea. As soon as I saw it, I fell in love and tried it on immediately. The unique cut, plus the gorgeous floral pattern completely entranced me, and the finishing touch of the grosgrain ribbon down the placket sealed the deal – so we traded tops (you’ll see what I traded her in a post next week – it’s equally gorgeous).

This shirt is incredibly comfortable. It’s loose in great areas, and fitted in great areas. I left it unbuttoned for the first time today, and loved the way it looked, but it looks fantastic all buttoned up, too. Such an easy, feminine piece.

See what I mean about the grosgrain? That pinky-maroon ribbon down the center… it’s the perfect detail to the perfect shirt! so blousey and lovely… i can’t wait to wear this all through fall, too!

Top, Karen Kane (c/o)
Pants, Forever 21, $13.50
Tank, TJ Maxx, $5 

Lindsay: Probably watching Netflix.

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