When I was in high school, I was staunchly against any type of sweatshirt that wasn’t accompanied by an attached hood. These days, I still rock a hoodie on a semi-regular basis, but my daytime-sweatshirt-wearing has taken a big dip. The last decade has moved my [vast] hooded sweatshirt collection to the “sometimes” shelf, and replaced the “daily” shelf with sweaters, jackets and about 50 pairs of shoes.
That is, until this new badass sweatshirt motif started showing up in my favorite shops. I’m seeing everything from studs to spikes to laser cutouts to… well, stuff like this:
These sweatshirts, once docile, are now edgier than a caffeinated CUTCO salesman, and I think I’m really into it.
Smear-mouth-lipstick-face might be a little bit too much for me, but the jury is still out. In the meantime, here is a collection of super-edgy sweatshirts that I know I love.