Monday Wedgie: Disgruntled

Monday Wedgie: Disgruntled

Did you see it? Did you see it go by? That was summer. Yep, it’s gone. G-O-N-E. We had it for a week, and now it’s back to normal, mediocre temperatures. 65°F in the middle of August? Seattle weather, you’re making a mockery of seasons.

Yeah, I’m upset. I am! The week of summer, I spent inside my toasty-as-hell apartment nursing a busted foot. No beach trips, no adventures… Me, at home, sitting with ice on my foot (VERY LIMITING despite being very refreshing) watching Sex And The City as part of an I’m Injured on Summer Vacation anthropological project. Not pleased.

So this week’s Monday Wedgie will be closed-toe due to the weather’s decision to go against the grain. Yeah, I’m trying to reprimand the weather via my fashion blog, so what?! You don’t know that it won’t work. I don’t know you, but I know that you don’t know that.

Not only are these over 60% off, but they are available in almost every size. Take that, weather.

> J. Jill Wooden Wedge Oxfords: $49.99 <

Lindsay: Probably watching Netflix.