Ostentatious! (or: Hobos With Great Shoes)

The lovely Lindsay started this post with these words:

“Recently, I’ve been on a “do everything that scares me” kick. I’ve been making cupcakes on a whim (I never have before now!), made all of my own Christmas gifts for my family, and bought really intense, bright, eye-catching shoes and actually wore them to a populated, public area without having an anxiety attack.


They’re a big magical, aren’t they? Creative Recreation Dicoco Sneaker in Polka Dot – $35!

 …and now I’m stealing it, because I can.  Also because I got ostentatious sneakers.  But mostly because I can.

Truthfully, Lindsay’s ostentatious sneaker purchase finally kicked my ass into gear. All of my sneakers, from the bright silver DCs to my green and orange Saucony’s, are old. Like, they might as well wear dentures and use a coupon for the weekly special at the buffet. They don’t look old – shoe Botox – but they’ve lost all support and (embarassingly) they kind of stink. (Don’t hate. I know you’ve been there.)  After Lindsay sent me an instant message with a link to her new purchase, I vowed to go on my own hunt.  After many frustrating online searches and disappointing trips to the mall, I found these:

My shoes are so cool that they don’t even need to be pointing at you.

They’re by Call It Spring, they’re called “Sumlar“, and they were $50.  Brand new.  In season.  $50.  Yessssss.

Last night, Lindsay and I both wore our ostentatious sneakers at the same time, and that obviously meant we had to take photos of them…

…while sitting on the sidewalk, in ass-freezing weather…

…snapping photos with my phone while passersby gave us funny looks.

I think we may have accidentally transitioned from Broke-Ass Babes to Hobos With Great Shoes.

Lindsay is still a little perturbed by the “wow” factor that is bright white sneakers with polka dots on them, but eventually those sneakers won’t be so white…which means I’ll probably want to take a toothbrush to them because white snearkers are fucking sexy.

Ditto furry sneakers. Are they boots? Are the skate shoes? NO ONE KNOWS.

Tell me all about your last “wild shoes” purchase.

Jennifer Nicole:

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  • Jen, those Sumlar boots/sneakers are AMAZING. I've fallen in love with them <3 So pretty. I just checked to see if Call it Spring ships to Spain but they don't! Nooooo D:

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