Sonia Rykiel’s Cherry Sack

Sonia Rykiel likes to get all up in your face with her clothing, and I really, really like that. And while it’s completely impossible to find anything about what the intentions behind this design are, I like to think it’s interpretive – mostly because all of my interpretations are passive and snarky, which I also like. This shirt is begging for black skinny jeans and black sunglasses. Just lots of 1990s bad girl stuff, you know?

It’s available in black for the same price – which is a hellofa lot better than its retail price, which was $138… Depending on how much you like it, you could shell out an extra $20 for the cute, minidress version (also in black)!

> Sonia Rykiel Cherry Sack T-Shirt: $49 <

How we’d wear it:

Lindsay: Probably watching Netflix.

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