Super Quick Necklace Upgrade (DIY!)

If you’ve ever seen my hair, you know that there is a lot of it. It is super long, it’s super thick, and super curly like whoa.

90% of the time, this is what I look like:

Hair up in a top knot, glasses on, no fun ever. 

I know, I know… “Why have long hair if you’re never going to wear it down?” Well, a) I think top knots are the best thing since liquid eyeliner and b) shut up, okay?! Jeez!

There are some pretty great things about wearing your hair up all the time, if I do say so, myself.

1. It keeps your neck cool.
2. It prevents many hair-meets-lipgloss situations.
3. “Pull your back so we can see your pretty face!”
4. Jewelry stands out, like, a lot.

Think about it – when a woman has her hair up and happens to be wearing a necklace or earrings, you’re mote likely to notice! Replace “necklace” with “statement necklace” and you’ve got an exponentially eye-catching combo.

Showing off your jewelry from the front is always cool, but what about the back? You’ve got other good assets back there, why not add another?

This is a super-simple DIY that can make any jewelry that much more visually interesting – from every angle!

All you’ll need is this super adorable swallow toggle clasp from Fallen Angel Brass, a necklace or bracelet that could use an upgrade, two pairs of  pliers (needle nose is excellent!), and about 3 minutes!

1. Once you have the clasp, grab your necklace and your pliers and make sure you’re working on a flat, tidy surface! Sure, it sounds like a dumb instruction until you remove one (or more) of those little rings and watch them roll off the table onto shag carpeting! (Just trust me on this one, okay?)

2. Take your pliers and carefully grab hold of one of the rings that came with the swallow toggle clasp. Place the clasping tip of each plier on either side of the break in the ring (aka where the ring is split – if your ring is not split, you won’t be able to do this without some extra supplies!).

3. Slip one end of the ring through the last link on your necklace, followed by the loop on the tail-side of the swallow toggle clasp.

4. Replace the pliers onto the open ring and reverse your earlier movement to close the ring. Repeat for the large clasp ring, on the other side of the necklace!

5. Repeat the ring-opening process and attach the gem to the beak-side of the swallow and you’re done!

Lindsay: Probably watching Netflix.

View Comments (1)

  • Oh wow this is an adorable idea! I would have never thought of making the clasp more interesting, but this is great!

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