Daily Deal: Derek Lam x DesigNation Swim Top

Remember DesigNation at Kohl’s? They are on fire with their designer collaborations, and it’s shocking how fast they hit the clearance section sometimes! In this case, Derek Lam’s collaboration with DesigNation was very awesome but felt under-publicized. There were so many cool colors and prints in styles that looked really comfortable and cool. Definitely good summer-to-autumn clothes, if not year-round!

This swim top always stuck out to me when I perused the collection because of my affinity for “merry widow” or longline bras. Those are the styles that come down over your ribcage and can even extend to your waist or hips! There’s something really feminine but badass about them, and the Derek Lam top totally gives me that same impression.

My favorite pattern is the green, grassy one in the center. This is apparently called a “MidKini” top, which I suppose I can approve of, but I will absolutely never use that word seriously, sorry. I love how the design of the suit is so simple and un-fussy – really, it’s just a basic bra! – but the color choices and textures really make it look really unique and current.

I would wear this underneath anything and everything baggy. And sheer. And low-cut. Oh, and I guess as a swim top, too… but I definitely wouldn’t limit it to that!

Check it out!: Derek Lam for DesigNation Underwire MidKini Swim Top, $17.60

PS: The matching bottoms are not on sale, for some reason…? So if you’ve got some extra scratch laying around, you might consider picking them up for $44!

Lindsay: Probably watching Netflix.

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