One of my weaknesses is definitely independent design. Combine that with good design and pop culture references, and we’ve got a wallet-threatening situation on our hands. I am size-able nerd, and growing stronger every day. That being said, I can only have so much nerd memerobilia in my house before my Design Asshole Personality starts to get uppity and over-caffeinated about it. Independent designers have offered the happy medium: geek references hidden inside of good design. So not really hidden at all!
Materia Girl by Ninjaink
Tonari no Totoro by Victorsbeard
HP3 Dementor & Stag by Zoe Toseland
The Trip of a Lifetime by Lechisho
Batman by Supernorn
Ocarina by Archymedius
Night-Docs by Jesse Rubenfeld
Buffy the Riveter by AJ Paglia
Plumber Summer by orioto
The Girl Who Waited by MeganLara