Link Love

I have been so unbelievably busy over the last two weeks, I feel like I haven’t even had time to lazily slump over my laptop to find cool stuff on the internet. Where was all this busy stuff in summer? Why does it have to all be now when I have to wear closed-toe shoes and jackets? It was so much easier to be highly active in jeggings and a ribbed tank top, let me tell you.

There have been some recent clothing acquisitions that I am really excited to put up here soon because they are unbelievably priced and so, so gorgeous… Stay tuned! In the meantime:

On to the links!

Obviously, Lil Bub’s talk show is superior to all other talk shows. Past guests include Whoopi Goldberg, Steve Albini, and a guinea pig named Little Prince.

I have been watching this live performance of Aesop Rock’s “Pigs” at least once per day for the last two weeks. So good! There’s a kazoo solo and everything!

Part of the Split Personalities project by Toby Dixon.

On the off chance you’ve always envisioned yourself becoming a professional snuggler, there’s a business in Utah who may have a job for you!

Hate flying? Next time, pack away a TSA-approved mini-bar in your carry-on.

Charming: The very worst album covers from ex-Yougoslavia.

Recently, I started a new Pinterest board for all of the products that almost became Daily Deals but weren’t quite good enough. The Daily Deal cutting room floor, if you will. Check it out here: Daily Deal Leftovers.

Some of you might have seen my Facebook rant about photoshopping vs. retouching. This article on Man Repeller steamed my clams because it suggested that the use of Instagram filters somehow makes us hypocrites when we complain about body retouching/rebuilding in major magazines.

Rick Owens presentation at Paris S/S 2014 was absolutely amazing. Definitely not what I expected!

Have an excellent weekend, if it’s your weekend!

If not, I’m sorry dude, that sucks. :[

Lindsay: Probably watching Netflix.

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