An *Actually Free* Necklace from Rosewood

Obviously, by 2015, most of us know not to trust most things labelled “FREE” – especially on the internet. Sadly, this knowledge was earned largely the hard way, and many have fallen victim to scams for decades. (This is a weird way to start out a post about something free so I’m just gonna cut the big reveal and tell you there really is something free in this post.)

But I consider part of my job as an Internet Resident and cheapskate blogger to dig around stuff that smells free to see if it really is free. That is a weird metaphor, but I hope you’re following me anyway.

I know I am asking a lot of you today.

Recently, I came across Rosewood Boutique by way of an offer to send me a necklace. I have been known to receive products gratis for review, so I foolishly lumped it into the I’m So Special and Bloggy category instead of the “Hey, stupid – this necklace is free for everyone” category where it belonged.

This Gold Bar Necklace is usually priced at $18, so why is it free right now? Rosewood Boutique is running a limited time promotion to introduce their new blog, and to spread the word, they’re doling out these cute, layer-ready necklaces to potential new customers!

Two opposing sides of the necklace are rough and sparkle in the light, while the other two opposing sides are smooth and reflective, showing off all the good parts of gold. It naturally rolls a bit while you wear it, so both textures get adequately shown off.

Now, there is a shipping charge. $2.99. That’s the shipping charge to get this everyday-style necklace shipped to you. Is it worth it? As someone who is currently wearing one – I’m going to say yes.

As I said, this free necklace promotion is part of Rosewood Boutique’s blog launch. As you can see from the front page, this is a comprehensive fashion banquet of information. There’s everything from giveaways to tutorials available, and even more freebies available on their blog! Once you snap up your [limited availability!] free bar necklace, you should pop over and check it out!

[PS: My shirt is new [to me] and I’m in love with it. I picked it up from ShopMieux, who I will tell you about soon, but it’s from The Limited and it’s my favorite color right now! I was delighted to see that the one of the Revlon ColorBurst Matte Balms I picked up matched perfectly. Ok! That is all! Goodbye!]

Lindsay: Probably watching Netflix.

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