Review: CLEAR’s Right End Hair Revolution

Do you know what the right end of hair is? Do you? I didn’t, because I didn’t know what that meant… but now I know that the right end is the scalp end! (Most of you probably already knew, but let me pretend I’m helping/have a purpose.)

CLEAR Scalp & Hair Therapy is a brand of haircare that focuses their attention not only on the hair, itself, but the base of the hair and the stuff it grows out of – aka your scalp. It promises healthier, stronger hair in seven days, and I gladly took that challenge.

A Hairstory Lesson

If you have ever met me, chances are good that you probably find my hair in your car, on your shirt, in your own hair… It’s everywhere. Lots of hair. Exceptionally thick, wavy-ish-curly-sorta hair, and I’m scared of it.

It intimidates me because I’m never sure what it wants, which is part of what appealed to me about taking this “7 day challenge” with CLEAR. There may be a part of me that is also chasing the dream that, with the right set of actions and products, I will wake up every morning with Kardashian hair and everything hard will be easier.

The beast. (March 2013)

CLEAR sent over their Frizz Control Shampoo and Frizz Control Conditioner, which is perfect for me, because coarse hair = really impressive frizz capability. Anything I can do to keep that in check is definitely going to happen.

The first time I used the CLEAR Nourishing Shampoo and Conditioner, I realized that the recommended conditioning process (as directed on the bottle) goes against everything I believe about hair-washing. Shampooing was fine, but when I got to the conditioner, I dutifully read the directions on the bottle, which instructed me to gently (gently is always bolded) massage the conditioner into my scalp. Whaaaat? Noooo! I don’t want to! That’s how grease-head happens! Shampoo the roots and condition the ends, I live and die by this process.

But I am a soldier. A hair soldier. So along I went, mushing that moisturizing, gooey conditioner into my scalp. I let it air-dry, which I usually do, and that was that.

The [Extended] Trial

Maybe this is shocking to some loyal hair-washers, but… In seven days, I will wash my hair only one time

My hair is intense and doesn’t like to be washed too often, lest frizz consume my existence, so once a week it gets washed and the rest of the showers, my hair is hiding in a tight bun on top of my head.

Me and my BFF hair. (March 2014) 

I have been using CLEAR’s scalp therapy products for about nine months straight, and I’m pretty comfortable saying that I’m convinced that it makes my hair softer and stronger. I’m no hair-tologist, but my hair feels like baby hair after I use this stuff. I add argan oil on top of whatever conditioner I use, and CLEAR’s nourishing conditioner + argan oil = my hair dream. I don’t put anything else in it, and the argan oil is only there to manage my aforementioned frizz.

Shampoo. Condition. Argan oil. Air dry. This is the entirety of my hair routine, and it’s blissI’m not scared of hair I know will be obedient and luxurious, no matter what day of the week it is!

Healthy, happy scalp!

I would say I’m a convert, but…

Typically, I am a huge stickler about ingredients in beauty products. It’s all part of my very staunchly ethical view on affordable shopping (and let’s be honest, shopping in general – mine and yours). In the same way that you are what you eat, I believe that you are what you apply, as well. CLEAR is an amazing product that works, but it’s definitely not plant-based or organically derived. This is the only downside for me, but it is kind of a major one.

That being said, I wasn’t lying when I said I’ve been using this for 9 months! Until I can find something that works as well as CLEAR’s products, I’ll likely keep using them because – once again – they’re fabulous.

Each of the bottles you see above retails for about $5, making it $10 for both. There are other types, as well, including Volumizing Root Boost, Strong Lengths, Damage & Color Repair, Total Care & Intense Hyfration.Find it online at these merchants:

Do you ever think about your scalp?

If you have some kind of miracle secret (mayonnaise as conditioner, anyone?), tell me in the comments!

Lindsay: Probably watching Netflix.

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