(A)DD: West Elm Mid-Century Stamp Bowls

Are you like me? Do you have a cupboard full of gloriously mismatched dishes that look like they came from all over the world?

West Elm (note to self: spellcheck will not catch “wet elm”) is not known for their thrifty wares. In fact, they’re known for ruining your bank account. Just like Crate+Barrel, Room and Board, and all the other beautiful, two-noun decor stores, they typically will run you dry in the name of cute apartments and extremely imaginable furnishings.

Which is exactly why you wait until Season End Clearance (now now now). Once I saw these hand-stamped bowls and realized they were on sale, I went to see what the sale was about and realized that West Elm is currently running threeyes, three clearance sales right now.

These bowls are part of the 70% off season end clearance sale, which ends up making these perfect-size-for-ice-cream bowls cheaper individually at $3.99 than in the Assorted Set of 4 which is $19.99.

Sales are just the most fun.

Check it out!: Mid-Century Stamped Bowls, were $8 now $3.99 at West Elm

You can kind of discern the size of the bowls from the photos, but “it holds grapes” is not a good answer to “how big is it,” so let me give you the straight facts: each bowl has a 14.8 fl. oz. capacity (a little bit less than a grande latte) and is 6″ across, 3″ tall. You also get to choose if you want waves or square stamped patterns.

Lindsay: Probably watching Netflix.

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