Get Mysterious with NiftyThrifty

EDIT 5/1/2015: It looks like this was a little too good to be true… Many readers have contacted me (in the comments and otherwise) about this offer and all of them feel scammed. They claim that these t-shirts are anything but vintage, and returns are nearly impossible. So many readers contacted me that I had to edit the post to keep my conscience clear.

Read the comments and leave your own experience! People are clearly finding this article while trying to figure out why they’ve been scammed by NiftyThrifty.

It’s been a while since I’ve checked in on NiftyThrifty, the first online thrift store that I ever met. They’ve been growing right along with the popularity of secondhand clothing e-stores, though they’ve curated their inventory to reflect their love of old, tossed-aside clothing from decades past. While other stores like ThredUp have their attentions set on current, popular brands, NiftyThrifty has truly one-of-a-kind vintage pieces that sometimes don’t even have tags… but you’ll never see someone else wearing it!

I recently discovered that NiftyThrifty offers mystery garments for even lower prices than their super-affordable secondhand prices. 

More specifically, if you send them a few dollars, they’ll send you a mystery package with a piece of vintage clothing in your size! This is particularly good if you are…

…a graphic t-shirt aficionado. 

Yes, you can get a mystery buttery-soft vintage t-shirt for only $5. Just tell them your size, and they even invite you to give them a theme to look for – brave souls! Each tee is “fully returnable” and they’ll do whatever they can to make sure this is a fun and mysterious experience for you.

If you get one and absolutely love it, you could consider subscribing to the mystery vintage t-shirt club, which will send you my printed t-shirts every month and autobill you $5! Not a bad deal at all. (It’s a real life Graphic Tee Club!)

Caution to all scarf-hoarders: you can snag a mystery vintage silk scarf for a measly $2.50. Some of the best patterns I’ve ever seen have been on random scarves from the 60s and 70s…

Be still my Pacific Northwestern heart… Mystery vintage flannels are only $8 each. These are incredible for layering, but I have a penchant for wearing them as actual shirts with dark skinny jeans and bitch boots. It makes me feel farm-y, but like I live on a farm in the middle of an urban sprawl. Is that gross?

Well, if it’s gross then I don’t want to be… the opposite of gross. (What is the opposite of gross? Cute?)

Speaking of that, if you’ve somehow figured out how to wear them, mystery vintage Hawaiian shirts are also available for $10. I challenge you to figure out how to successfully incorporate a typical Hawaiian shirt into a cute outfit. No, I don’t challenge, I dare. Mostly, I’m interested in anyone who can tell me how to wear them because I see a Hawaiian shirt and just kind of blankly stare at it. Vintage people, help me!

Lindsay: Probably watching Netflix.

View Comments (6)

  • I would think twice about the "vintage" t-shirts. I fell in love with the idea but received a shirt with a date of 2007 printed on it and a big ol' hole along the collar. Not something I'm impressed with. I've sent multiple emails for a replacement and have heard nothing back.

    I did order the mystery flannel too and it was just as described. Fit nice and cozy and is something I will actually wear.

    Looking for reviews from other users? You won't find a lot of honest ones because Nifty Thrifty seems to be deleting all of the negative posts from their Facebook page. I really wanted to love this company, but so far they've left bad vibes with me. Hopefully other users have a better experience. Thanks for the article!

    • Katherine! Thank you for posting. What a terrible experience!!! I'm so sorry that they haven't responded to you, even the ad says they'll work with you to make sure you're happy. I can promise you that no one will be taking your comment down - thanks again!

  • Kam is right. Everyone has been getting scammed with Nifty Thrifty's "vintage" mystery tees. They are not vintage at all.

    • Duuuude, I kind of believe you guys a lot. I'm going to amend the post, honestly! I tried to contact the owner of the company and he is being very shady and non-responsive... :

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