I, unfortunately, do not yet possess these mysterious bujo guru powers. That’s why this post is full of other people’s amazing ideas, and there are a lot of them.
In addition to these three incredible layout styles, there are countless other ways to manage, or micromanage your finances. All you need to start is a bullet journal, some pens, and a willingness to log in to your bank account and really look at what you’ve done.
Being in the pit of debt-spair is no fun, but bullet journal layouts can actually make things feel achievable – I think it’s the colors. Or maybe it’s the number of doodles per page… The more doodles, the more attainable your savings goals are. Yeah, that’s gotta be it.
Bullet Journal Layouts: Growing Your Savings
Bullet Journal Layouts: Debt Payoff
Bullet Journal Layouts: Bill Paying
I don’t know about you, but filling something out every time I accomplish a step towards my goal makes me feel so productive, it’s insane. I mean, it is technically productive, but it feels more productive than actually paying my bills or the act of putting money into savings. So, as far as I can tell, the best reason to start saving money is to be able to fill in boxes that you, yourself, drew in order to document your rise to financial independence.
Sounds right to me!
If you’re an avid bullet journaler who has a budgeting page, please, please leave it in the comments!
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