Welcome back to the real world, guys! Earth Week was epic, and is now [semi-thankfully] over. I planned to do that about 12 hours before last Monday started, and thusly, I remember very little of my week last week, as it was spent mostly digging through emails and writing [awesome, but time-using-up] posts.
So this week, we’re back to our regularly scheduled program. On top of that, I finally have an updated outfit for you. I was greeted by a package from Spun in my mailbox today (remember their Earth Week ECIG?) so, naturally, the only thing to do was photograph it!
Ahhhh! So where is it, right? Well, it’s hiding under my new, unbelievably amazing coat that I scored for $40 from Marshalls (surprised?). It’s almost metallic eggplant-colored in almost an anorak shape. It’s got a frilly little collar that Conor lovingly refers to as “the clown collar”. Whatever! I love it. It also has a trench-style belt that can be tied in the front, but I prefer to tie it in the back to give the jacket a little structured shape.
Ta-da! See that glorious, olive green? That’s the amazing, organic shirt from Spun (via Green Loop). They were having a huge sale, so I had to spring for it.
ALSO: I have an embarrassing confession. These jeans… should not have been photographed. They’re obviously too big and aren’t doing me any favors, so I apologize for the airy, breezy, baggy thighs here. My natural thighs are none of those things, swear.
I sure hope that you thought this shirt wasn’t going to get any better, because that would make you super wrong right now. Not only does this beautiful green, organic top have a stunning boat neck… But it also has pockets – my favorite things next to air and water. Also, I have to point this out because I just noticed… I look a little Martha Stewart Living in this photo.
The fabric is just divine… And if you’ll see here, at the hip, there are some sweet little pockets for whatever treasures you may pick up on your journeys (yes, it’s spelled correctly, I checked!)…
I know, bra-strap fail. To be honest, I’m a little rusty with ye olde Daily Outfit photography. I’ll willingly admit it! But this shirt was too much fun to pass up. Besides, I’m way slacking on this whole “regular content” thing. I’ll be sure to patch that up, ASAP.
I also should think about wearing… any other shoes. I have a good 20 pairs of shoes sitting in my closet, but green and green… I couldn’t resist.
Those jeans, when they fit, were my favorite jeans ever. GAP Long & Lean, remember the epiphany? Looks like they’re going to have to get recycled now, though… Excuse to procure new jeans? I think so.
Okay, help needed: I’m having an identity crisis, and it’s focusing itself on my hair. After I chopped off ten inches of hair in February… I’ve been at a complete loss regarding what to do with it. It can be curly, naturally… Or I could straighten it. I could pull my “bangs” back, like I did today, or I could leave them down and dramatically brush them out of my face when I’m flustered… BUT WHAT ELSE?! I need suggestions!
Top, Spun via The Green Loop, $28
Jeans, Gap Long & Lean, $39.50
Jacket, Vertigo Paris via Marshalls, $39.99
Shoes, American Eagle for Payless ShoeSource, $7
Hope you’re enjoying your Monday!