Every (-ish) Monday, I’ve been featuring independent clothing from designers everywhere. Laura Dawson, Erika Hendrix and M641 being some of my favorites. However, when sitting down at my computer this morning (as it precariously teeters on two ancient collapsable TV tray tables we found behind the refrigerator when we moved in), I realized that it’s March – IT’S MARCH! – and I’d competely forgotten about my Fashion Resolutions for 2009. Completely. What’s #1 on that long list of inner promises? Embrace Accessories. Okay, now go back through my posts for the last three months – DO IT. What do you see? Accessories. Zero of them, to be exact. Honte à moi!
Well, that all changes right now. I’m making a conserted effort to deal in more accessory-related business from here on out.
I stumbled across today’s adorable designer while looking for “Thx 4 Starting a Noo Biznuss wif me” gifts for my partners in an exciting new project that will be released soon.
Fatally Feminine is the epitome of what my inner 9 year old craves on a daily basis. Sugar, sweet, candy jewelry with a touch of edgy discomfort (in a good way!). I get very animated when discovering something I know I’ll be obsessed with. I feel like I should begin to constantly videotape myself so I can capture the extreme eye-widening and mouth-agape-ing effects that this type of discovery has on me.
I’m so into this collection and this designer that I’m actually putting commentary with each photo, for no reason other than to wax lyrical about how I need every piece.
I’ve been completely enamored with the idea of assymetrical necklaces lately – the way they balance, how the heavier parts mysteriously don’t fall to the bottom, and the attention they draw to a fanstastic decolletage. This would be perfect for… anyone or anything, because it’s not too gawdy, but it obviously reeks of femininity but also gives off an aire of demure. (Alsoit’sonly$20.)
This little gem was the main contributor to the jaw-dropping-ness. I mean… White Rabbit a la Alice in Wonderland + Scroll + Nameplate Necklace + $20? What’s not to love?
So, whenever I wear stud earrings, I feel instantly 50 years old. Instantly. I don’t know what it is about them. I see plenty of damsels of beauty wearing them with ease, but I can’t seem to shake the “going to the yacht club” feel. These tiny cameo heart earrings, though, are different. Cameos definitely give off a delicious vintage vibe, but the solid (and tiny!) black hearts send a youthful, rambunctious message that I love. ($7)
This little piece is for my confection loving lady crew. I mean, it’s whipped cream with a cherry on top… But a RING! I mean – come on. What doesn’t go with red & white, anyway?
Regal, delicate, and statement-making… All tied with a black satin bow. I mean… You could wear this with a sweatshirt and jeans and it’d look good. The crown looks biggger than it actually is (it’s only 1.75″ tall) so it wouldn’t be too imposing, but would be just imposing enough to catch eyes. ($18)
This obsession-laden list wouldn’t be complete without some arm candy, and this vintage Alice in Wonderland illustrated transfer is just so cute. Right at the best part, when she finds the bottle that says “Drink Me”. This is another piece where the color scheme (gold, white, faded green and blue) are unimposing, so they don’t immediately jump out at people, but the shape of the piece, and the actual drawing on it are definitely statement making.