Some of you who know me personally make think this is obvious, but for those readers who have just stumbled upon the site – I have a confession:
I am an enormous geek – and Jen is, too.
We’re very, very different types of geeks, though.
I am the type of geek who stays up until 3am coding PHP and CSS because… it’s fun. I’m the type of geek that learned how to build and modify computers at 18 because it looked sexy. I also spend WAY too much time watching documentaries about ancient civilizations.
Jen, on the other hand, researches world history and political movements on her downtime, and is a complete eCommunity junkie. She’s into sci-fi and socio-cultural documentaries. She also has a major soft spot for cephalopoda and zombie movies.
Our mutual love for Joss Whedon (Firefly for life!), food activism, and etymology knows no bounds.
Fashion and nerdliness, historically, doesn’t necessarily go hand-in-hand. Well, at least they didn’t before fashion melded with the land of inter-nerds and created fashion blogging. Fashion for the fairer, geekier lady is now at our fingertips, and we’ve compiled a list of our favorites.

Fashion For Nerds
The obvious choice. I have been following Audi since Sally turned me on to her amazingly creative outfits, and intellectual approach to style. Why so intellectual? She’s a freaking biologist. No kidding. Her sense of style is super adventurous and really well executed. She’s a freaking scientist.
Sudo Beautify
Sudo Beautify might not sound like a geeky gal’s blog at first listen, but when you learn that sudo is a Unix command “that allows non-super users (root/admins) to execute commands that require super user privileges.” Oh snap. Eden-Avalon is a super-nerd, as far as beauty bloggers go, and I mean that as a full compliment. When she’s not RPing, writing fanfic, or joining me in 3am code-sessions, she’s dishing about everything beauty, style and edgy looks.
Geek vs. Life: Extra Lifestyle
This column on the ultra-gamer-centric site, Geek vs. Life, is written by several members of the staff, but the star of the show is clearly Karma, aka Kiri Callaghan. From writing about the theory of fashion to the latest Bioshock costume at PAX Prime, Extra Lifestyle is the pinnacle of all nerd-fashion destinations.