Holiday Party Dresses Under $100: (Sale Section!)

The announcement for my office holiday party has been made. My other job is at a law firm, which means nearly everyone is well-styled (if sometimes stuffy) and has the money to pull it off. My style, on the other hand, am a little more adventurous and a lot less expensive. (Today I’m wearing what I call my “Christening dress” – so white, so frilly – with argyle socks and two-toned oxfords. The dress was on sale for $15; the socks were a steal on Gilt.)

While my coworkers will be wearing dresses and suits that cost however much, I will be wearing a dress that…well, doesn’t. I have an option or two at home, but who doesn’t want a new party dress now and then? For my perusal (and yours), I turned to ModCloth.

But not just ModCloth – I’m not paying full price. I went to ModCloth’s sale section.

Silver Swoon: $59.99 $52.99

First, the obvious choice: a silver, wintery, classy party dress. It shows a little more skin than I’m personally comfortable with, but on the right body and with the right attitude it would be stunning. It’s only $7 off, however – seriously, ModCloth? – so I’d wait until the deal is a little sweeter.

Com-Pleat Attention: $87.99 $76.99

This dress could be so fun, and if you’re a Very Serious At the Office type, completely unexpected. It’s a “wink and a smile” dress, you know?

Champagne & Strawberries: $77.99 $68.99

Yes, this dress can be worn at a more conservative holiday party, as long as you play it conservative by wearing a pair of pretty tights, closed-toe heels and a cardigan or shawl. The gold and berry-colored details will help you stand out, while neutrals above and below will keep you from too much scrutiny.

Vermilion Reasons Why: $74.99 $49.99

Lose the tie and grab a black belt, or wear it open. The bright red hue screams “sexy poinsettia.” (Okay, it doesn’t, and that’s a good thing, but it sure is pretty!)

I wish ModCloth’s sale section had more party dress options – I’d love to see something in a deep blue or green – but I have a feeling that some of their party dress section will start skipping over to the sale section as the holiday season kicks into gear. I’ll be keeping watch!

Do you have a favorite holiday dress, or are you shopping for something new this year?