Macklemore – weird name. Way more weird than Ryan Lewis, right? So who are these dudes and why am I writing about them? Well, because it’s my website and I am way too into music to not share it with people against their will, and also… Well, let me explain.
Most people think of grunge or alt-rock when they think of Seattle. It’s our musical stereotype – yes, we know. No, we never get tired of the grunge jokes. Yes, I own plaid and Doc Martens, and oh sure I love the rain that we get less of than so many other places in the country. Yeah, everything you know about Seattle is true, uh huh.
Except for the part where we have one of the most progressive, electric and promising hip hop scenes in the country incubating in our city by the sound. From The Blue Scholars to The Physics and back around to Shabazz Palace – a group that was masterminded by Ishmael “Butterfly” Butler of Digable Planets (also the first hip hop artist to produce an album out of Sub Pop Records, the home of Nirvana). We’re seriously a broken-beat-based force to be reckoned with.
I tripped and fell over a Macklemore track thanks to my friend Paul, who graciously dropped it into my Spotify (henceforth referred to as Sanctuary) inbox one day. A little bit later, I tripped over Ryan Lewis by way of Macklemore in my sanctuary, and I was completely glued [despite Ryan Lewis’ Sanctuary profile displaying a rich history of synthetic religious/Christian music…?]. Blonde-haired, blue-eyed Macklemore quickly spits perfectly annunciated lyrics in the style of a true storyteller, while Ryan Lewis’ provides the rich aural canvas. In my eyes, Macklemore draws the structures of the tracks and Ryan Lewis provides the colorful fill. And sometimes they say f@$k and sh%# and co&#. It happens.
Releasing their first full-length album in the next few weeks, called The Heist (October 9! It’s out now!), the two nerdy Seattle kids are taunting the entire city by slowly releasing bits and pieces of the new album. The latest one: Thrift Shop. Tell me how I’m not supposed to get obsessed with this track.
I’m gonna pop some tags,
Only got 20 dollars in my pocket.
I-I-I’m huntin’, lookin’ for a come up,
This is f@#king awesome.
Macklemore is one stylish shut your mouth. Fringe to fur to footie pajamas – he is some kind of crazy urban cowboy rocking a glam-rock style in a place that doesn’t even understand what “statement fashion” is. Our born & bred Seattleites believe that all summer clothes come from Extreme Pie. Seriously. One of the worst-dressed cities in America? Hello. He is a beacon of hope in a sea of North Face jackets.
I’m-a take your grandpa’s style,
I’m-a take your grandpa’s style –
No for real, ask your grandpa – can I have his hand-me-downs?
My Lord jumpsuit and some house slippers,
Dookie-brown leather jacket that I found diggin’
They had a broken keyboard, I bought a broken keyboard.
I bought a ski blanket, and then I bought a knee board.
This song has been on repeat since it debuted late last week, and I am over the moon about the video. Not only because it includes some of my favorite Pacific Northwestern thrifting spots, but because it perfectly encapsulates the lifestyle of a hardcore thrifter! They look a bit intense, they love parties, and they’re adventurous as hell! Those are my kind of people.
What’chu know bout rockin’ the wolf on your noggin?
What’chu knowin’ about wearin a fur fox skin?
I’m diggin’, I’m diggin’, I’m searchin’ right through that luggage.
One mans trash that’s another mans come up.
Buy The Heist
, now on Amazon!
Bonus material
The Heist
Same Love, a pro-gay rights anthem
What’s your favorite thrift shop?