Maybe you caught the news on Friday the 13th, or maybe you were busy getting weird little tattoos, but Bombsheller released a murder of new designs, just in time for Halloween.
Amongst the Halloween-obsessed, there are many differing ideologies. Some people love the terror, the gore, the mayhem! They spend the holiday season watching classic horror films. Then, there are the people whose Halloween is a little more esoteric, with seances, Ouija boards, and witchiness. Others just want to hit up the pumpkin patch with their PSL, eat some caramel-dipped apples, and hand out candy to cute kids. (Or just stay at home and eat the candy, themselves. Respect.)
And then, of course, there are the cat people. Bombsheller understands cat ladies better than most brands, and has the bounty of Halloween-themed cat leggings to prove it. You can see them all at the end of this post!
Bombsheller has at least one design for every type of Halloween lover. And many of these designs would be way easy to incorporate into a grown-ass goth’s year-round wardrobe. The pair the I got, #SkullPile, definitely fits into that category. (And sometimes, so do I.)
If you’re new to Bombsheller, they are one of my all-time favorite brands. They are based in Seattle, which is kind of how we met. Once I found out that their business model strives to make Bombsheller as ethical as it is innovative, I fell in love.
Bombsheller prints their leggings to order which is not a common practice in the leggings industry. Compared to printing 1,000 leggings in the same print and then scrambling to sell them, it’s also smart move, financially. The way Bombsheller supports their indie artists is also close to my heart. Every single pair of Bombsheller leggings has the name of the artist inside the waistband, as well as the hashtagged name so you can share their work.
They also happen to be one of the only brands I directly partner with! As a result, I have a discount code (BrokeBombshell) that will get you a tidy little discount at checkout, and kick me some financial support which, if you’ve read the title of this blog, you know I appreciate.
As far as skull piles go, this might be the most wearable of them all. The print is busy, but not so busy that it looks weird – you know what I mean? It all kind of blends together to make a very eye-pleasing blur when I walk. By the way, these #SkullPile leggings were designed by Jade Gordon, and Jade will receive a chunk of the profits!

Before I forget to mention it, I have to give mad props to Bombsheller’s size range. Nearly ever pair of leggings in this collection (and on their site) is available in sizes XS-6X. To my surprise, even at my highest weight, I fit into a size L where, in most leggings, I wear an XL. So that size range offers options for everyone, truly. Oh, and everything is unisex because why not?
I cannot wait to take these to the gym. When I lift weights, do cardio or any kind of intense workout, Bombsheller leggings are my go-to. Why? They’re completely opaque, even when you’re in a full squat. They also have SPF 50 protection, 4-way stretch, and the fabric is moisture-wicking, so even in the summer, these are perfect.
Also, they’re high-waisted, so no crack risk, and they really do a good job holding your body in. I don’t think they qualify as “compression leggings” but they’re definitely figure-flattering, at the very least. My butt looks its best in Bombsheller leggings.
Here are the rest of Bombsheller’s spooky new designs:
#PatchworkPumpkins | #VampireBats | #Titania
#SkullsNBackbones* | #HorrorKittens | #OctoberWitches
* 3 color variations (white, black, red)
#Samhain | #HalloweenCats | #BoomMurderofCrows
#Lucky13* | #WakingTheDead | #Biohazard**
* 2 color options (black & white)
** 2 color options (red & green)
#SpiderLace | #BiteMe | #JustTreats
#Freddy | #OmbreBats | #ToBeOrNotToBe
How glorious are these designs?! My favorites are scattered throughout, but I can’t deny my love for #Lucky13, #Freddy, and #PatchworkPumpkin. Which designs do you like best?