You take care of your body as well as you can. However, sometimes you can find that you experience hair loss when you least expect it. Hair loss can leave you feeling very stressed, and it can end up affecting your self-esteem, especially if you are used to having full and thick hair. When you experience eyebrow hair loss, you can start to feel very self-conscious. So, to overcome this, what positive action can you start to take?

Stop Plucking and Waxing Immediately

The first thing you must do is stop waxing or plucking immediately, no matter how painful this may feel. If you are experiencing a problem with regrowth, you have damaged follicles. To avoid further damage and stress, you must stop what you are doing immediately. Stopping plucking and waxing can be difficult, especially if it is something you have done for many years. However, the sooner you stop, the more chance you give follicles or repair themselves. If repair is not possible, then you at least stop further damage.

Consider Hormonal Changes 

When establishing why your eyebrows are not growing back, you may find that you look at lots of options, ranging from stress, right down to hormonal changes and imbalances. Establishing the root cause of hair loss is important. Getting the answers you need will help you to move forwards positively. When your eyebrows don’t grow back, you may find that your hormones have changed (or are changing), and you may need to take medication to level out this process. It is always worth looking at hormonal changes and imbalances, as these can also affect hair loss in other areas of your body, including your head hair.

Speaking to a Specialist

Eyebrow hair loss can feel just as profound as hair loss you may experience on your head. Reaching out to a specialist and seeking an expert opinion can give you the answers that you need. Trying to solve everything by yourself can increase your stress levels and exasperate the problem. When it comes to speaking to specialists, you may want to start with those that specialize in hair follicle treatment and transplants. Visiting will be beneficial, as you will see how they may be able to help you with your hair loss. Seeing how people can be transformed with hair transplants, and even seeing what other procedures and treatments are available, can help you start boosting your outlook on hair loss (and how to tackle it).

Look at Permanent Beauty Treatments

If plucking and waxing are no longer suitable for you, but you want to have shape and definition, permanent beauty treatments may be an option. If you are a suitable candidate, you may find that permanent tattooing may be something worthwhile. Of course, before embarking on any professional and permanent beauty treatments, you must establish if they are right for you and your body. If you have experienced a lot of stress around your eyebrows, you may well want to avoid exposing yourself to any further damage. Always having consultations before you undergo any treatments, whether permanent or semi-permanent, is crucial.

Focus on Other Areas of Your Body

If your eyebrow hair loss is more noticeable, or if it is affecting you more, then switch your focus. Start focusing your energy and attention on other areas of your body. For example, look after the hair on your head and take that re-growth medication. Or, even look at having a makeover. Switching the attention and energy away from focusing on your eyebrows and eyebrow hair loss can be good for you, and positive for your recovery.

Create a New Skincare Routine

A new skincare routine may not have been something you initially thought of doing. However, it may help your skin and complexion feel great, and it may well give any damaged eyebrow follicles time to repair themselves. Keeping your eyebrows clean and giving them time to heal is important. A new skincare routine may see you focus more on cleansing and moisturizing the affected areas. Keeping eyebrows and surrounding areas clean will help keep infections at bay. As you are building and creating a new skincare routine, you may well find that you need to top up your diet with a better balance of supplements and vitamins. When your body feels better, you can then deal with hair loss (whether temporary or permanent) in a much more positive manner. Patience is of importance here.