We wrote a heartfelt letter to Amanda Bynes.
Why am I posting this now? Because this is the first season of the year that anyone will actually see what you're wearing underneath your wool coat, 2 scarves, and windbreaker-lined-with-heating-pads, so now we have to give a crap what we look like under there.
These couldn't be more appealing to me. We've been on a yellow binge, and combine that with an espadrille with an ankle strap and you pretty much have me in my weakest spot.
From writing off interview clothes to tracking your gas to and from work to collecting receipts from initial client meetings in coffee shops... There are so many ways that you can save money on your awesome life! Check out this article to learn about some of the wardrobe-related ones!
A few of our favorite links!
Welcome to springtime, where Seattle fulfills all of your crappy, boring, unoriginal stereotypes. One day of sun followed by four days of torrential downpour. Puddles. Everywhere. Shut up, L.A., I don't want to hear it.
Post law-school, and post-everything-she-thought-she-wanted... It turned out that it actually wasn't everything Circus designer Emma wanted...
A good friend of B&B reached out for help this morning - a last minute need for something to wear to a wedding.