As you may know, the winter snow has the amazing ability to remind you that sunglasses aren't just for summertime. The bright light of day glaring off all of those tiny ice crystals can make a morning (or an especially an afternoon hangover) a little unpleasant.
I really want is to be able to wear the spring silhouettes against a natural background of winter colors. The warm browns, bright whites, frosty pastels, dark greys... But mixed with shorter skirts, bare arms, sleeveless frocks and strappy heels. Why, oh why can't I have all the things I want? This one only distorts nature a little bit...
I've been seeing an awful lot of this going around the 'net lately: denim covered in everything from graphic to photographic prints!
As one of my favorite parts of an outfit, my shoe collection is not only the most voluminous portion of my wardrobe, but also the brightest and most unique.
Sequins are everywhere! Soon they're going to be in our cereal and lattes and stuff.
Tie-neck blouses: only for Diane Keaton 40 years ago, or great current-day staple?
* Hell yes, there are hot pink cowboy boots in there! What feels better in the middle of a cold, grey day than neon western wear?
Winter... coat... that isn't wool? Like, for outside? Like... for weather? Oh. Yeah. No, I don't have one of those. (A rare moment of logic-based shopping on B&B!)
I associate winter with cool pastels and lighter tones... Especially when mixed with inky blacks and deep rouge!