Miley Cyrus has partnered up with Converse to create a 43 piece collection of sneakers and casual clothing that brings a... moderately immodest amount of "extra" to your grocery store outfit. Swap out your normal Chuck Taylors for a piece ...

Her Universe, a brand that consistently releases affordable and wearable geek fashion, has come out with an Avengers: Infinity War collection full of athleisure clothing, accessories, and a batch of beauty products including lip glosses and an eyeshadow palette. ...

Whether they're on your glasses or your sunglasses, the ornate chain that your grandmother wore to keep her glasses from falling off are officially back. Or, at the very least, they're available if you think they're cool. We've been seeing ...

Bang-Up Betty has all of our womanly bases covered: patriarchy smashing, science advocacy, juicy booty appreciation, pizza, and an inherent gift for hustle. ...

Target's jewelry section has seen a major upgrade this year. If you've been by in the last six months, you've probably noticed a new line of affordable jewelry on the scene. The label responsible for the statement cuffs, chokers, rings, ...

We have 35+ amazing, affordable Mothers Day gifts for those of you who forgot! The best thing about this list is that everything is under $25! The *second-best* thing about this list is that you can find EVERYTHING in a ...

Now that the holidays have finally calmed down, I can get to the gifts I got for myself! Just kidding, I'm finally digging into my POPSUGAR Must Have Box from December 2016. It's appropriately winter-themed, so it will fit into ...

Maybe this is just me, but at least half of the reason I like New Year's Eve is due to the extravagant fashion and beauty involved. I don't have anymore homecoming dances coming my way, so New Year's Eve is the ...

Happy Gift Card Week, everyone! Okay, this time, I am actually making up a shopping holiday - or in this case, a shopping week - whereas Green Monday is a very real thing that I did not make up. Gift Card ...

Another month, another exciting POPSUGAR Must Have box! The November edition is all about entertaining and enjoying the wintry season. If you're following the constant saga of my (very honest) reviews of the POPSUGAR Must Have Boxes, I'll let you ...

A few months ago, I came across a tiny feature in a fashion magazine about a bracelet called the Busy Girl Bangle. I never forgot about it, and that's noteworthy because bracelets usually bore the crap out of me. Usually, ...

Cobalt blue is a color that doesn't really have an obvious season associated with it. It fits in with every type of weather, every climate, and every skin tone. Lately, I've been drawn to it, and due to it being a ...

Simple jewelry is frequently my favorite jewelry. If there's too much going on, I start to overthink how I'm wearing it and typically end up either taking it off or wearing something I don't really want to wear to accommodate ...