If I had to pick one skincare item for the rest of my life, I would gladly trash all of my serums and moisturizers in the name of SPF. ...
For the last two years, my go-to leggings for everything from swanky events and casual days to personal training and five mile hikes has been Bombsheller. They've been a well-kept secret (with a few glimpses on Instagram), but I'm ready ...
Last year, my dude and I tried to hit as many Washington state counties as we could with the goal of jumping into one of our state's nearly 8,000 lakes in each one. We didn't make it to all 39 ...
Well, hi. I have been straight up missing for two weeks and you probably didn't notice because: internet, but hi. I'm back from a whirlwind 14-ish days of complete and utter chaos, fun, education, light motion sickness, and general shenanigans. ...
Mmmm, whiskey. There are few things that work better to warm you up in the frigid outdoors than a shot of cheap - or not cheap - bourbon. Fortunately, if you can't stand the stuff, there are plenty of alternatives ...
Those of you trying to perfect your millennial grandma style of living had better sit down or put the kettle on... I've come across something I've never seen before, and I've been shopping for the last 10 years straight. Remember when I had ...
This summer, I have been rediscovering (and in some cases, discovering) my beautiful state of Washington. I have shown off a few pics here and there of the kinds of things I've been seeing, but what I really want to ...