The beauty industry loves to release "themed collections" - especially around the holidays. Major beauty brands come out with safe, cheerful, sexy themes while indie makeup brands come out with awesome Halloween collections like the Glowcus Pocus collection from Shiro ...

The Pacific Northwest has made it pretty clear that we are in our last week of warm weather. As usual, it will mercilessly plunge us into autumn with little warning other than an oddly pleasant temperature spike in mid-September. All of ...

A few weeks ago, I was invited to check out a new service: Aside from having a cool name, they provide a cool shopping service. They take all of the products from fashion spots around the net and compile ...

When the 1990s come back into style, full-swing... is that going to include the return of those mini-backpacks? Remember those? The straps were like 3x longer than they really needed to be, so the backpack (which is about half the ...

It doesn't take a fashion anthropology degree to figure out where bomber jackets aka flight jackets got their name. Traditionally, bomber jackets were made out of really hardy, durable material suitable for temperatures at high altitudes. Leather, sheepskin, one thousand layers ...

Cobalt blue is a color that doesn't really have an obvious season associated with it. It fits in with every type of weather, every climate, and every skin tone. Lately, I've been drawn to it, and due to it being a ...

While shuffling through the clearance section at Macy's, I couldn't help but notice... there were more superheroes than normal. (Graphic t-shirts, that is.) As to why some of them are marked down to $5.99 with all sizes available..? I do not know. Being a ...