Yep, anyone can receive free sample products from PINCHme. All you have to do is tell them how you feel about the products. Finally! Bloggers and non-bloggers alike have a strong yearning to try new things, and an even stronger one to ...
Everyone has that one friend who waits for fall to come specifically for the Pumpkin Spice Lattes. By the time the first fallen leaf is halfway to the ground, they're already in their car, racing towards the nearest 'Bucks. Personally, ...
The Pacific Northwest has made it pretty clear that we are in our last week of warm weather. As usual, it will mercilessly plunge us into autumn with little warning other than an oddly pleasant temperature spike in mid-September. All of ...
We are really leaning on the "almost" in (Almost) Daily Deals here, aren't we? It's been months since I was regularly updating our a-few-times-per-weekly deal feature. In case you've never seen one of these before, all (A)DDs are under $25 and ...
Grab your pumpkin spice vodkas and steal your significant other's scarf - it's fall! Just like every year, one of my major beauty motivators comes in the form of a near month-long sale: Ulta's 21 Days of Beauty. For the ...
A few weeks ago, I was invited to check out a new service: Aside from having a cool name, they provide a cool shopping service. They take all of the products from fashion spots around the net and compile ...
It's officially Labor Day Weekend because the sales and incredible deals are starting to pour in. Today only, you can get (at least) one Colourpop Ultra Matte Liquid Lipstick with every order over $10! To make the deal even sweeter, the ...
When the 1990s come back into style, full-swing... is that going to include the return of those mini-backpacks? Remember those? The straps were like 3x longer than they really needed to be, so the backpack (which is about half the ...
I know, I know - another secondhand clothing website. Don't worry, this post won't go on and on telling you how it's a special snowflake and different from other secondhand websites (even though it totally is). If the name of ...
Aerie is having a very summer-friendly sale on their already affordable bras and, more importantly, bralettes. Sorry, bras. It's not me, it's you. Or... the other way around. I don't know, but I love bralettes more than any other undergarment ...
Remember Gilt? I kind of forgot about them, admittedly. That all ended once I accidentally discovered that they were selling high quality Cuisinart kitchen tools for up to 70% off. I'm not sure if this is an all-the-time thing or if ...
It seems to me like the beauty industry is trying to take lipstick to another level lately. Over the last few years, we've made the leap from cream lipsticks in bullets to liquid lipsticks that require chemist-grade solvents to remove. ...
Yes, we have found even more beauty sales with no distinguishable cause or reason behind them! This time, two already extremely affordable beauty brands, BH Cosmetics and e.l.f., have given us two different, amazing deals within the last 12 hours. If ...
If I could, I would have a subscription to every single subscription box in existence. Getting mystery stuff in the mail is one of my favorite things, it's like Christmas! Or birthdays! Or any other time people want to impress you ...
Before the summer officially leaves us, I figured I should take a break from tiny house building to bust out my favorite sandals & play with some gel polish. There's something about blue-green polish that makes me into a total ...
It doesn't take a fashion anthropology degree to figure out where bomber jackets aka flight jackets got their name. Traditionally, bomber jackets were made out of really hardy, durable material suitable for temperatures at high altitudes. Leather, sheepskin, one thousand layers ...
Doesn't it seem like every woman between the age of 15 and 50 has a necklace with a bird on it? Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely not hating on animal jewelry. In fact, in ancient B&B history, I had ...
The challenge of building a capsule wardrobe is simultaneously alluring and frightening. The idea of a capsule wardrobe, for those who don't know, is using a set number of garments and accessories for an entire season (or if you have commitment ...
If you haven't been on Instagram in the last six months, you are likely unaware that sheet masks are the new... regular masks, and they've been elevated to "beauty must-have" by editors and confidently buzzed participants of Girls' Night Ins around ...
Here's a little bonus for B&B's friends in the parts of the world that aren't aflame with summer heat right now. The Lemon Collection is a site full of cozy knits leggings, socks, and comfy lounge gear. Now through July 23, ...