Chelsea Handler has an incredibly good show on Netflix now called Chelsea, in case you didn't know, and her wardrobe is a dream come true. Her show airs three times per week and is truly one of the best TV ...
Bedrooms are quite possibly my favorite room in a house. They are soft and comfy but also really expressive and personal. As soon as I came across this celebration of faded earth tones and earth plants, I couldn't help myself ...
Recently, I've been really attracted to smaller bags - which is completely ridiculous, as I'm kindred spirits with Ally Sheedy's character in The Breakfast Club whose entire life was in her purse. I affectionately refer to my current bag (a satchel from ...
Get the the budget version of this graphic yellow, black and white kitchen nook from Austin, TX! ...
Remember when women used to care at all if their undergarments were showing? Remember those days? Well, they're gone, and I'm reminded of that every time I walk outside and see a billion cute girls with their bras out, all ...
Obviously, there is nothing more perfect for everyday wear than [secret] pajamas. I've been curious about this alleged "pajama shirts as outerwear" trend I'd been hearing about. Seeing Style Scrapbook pull it off pretty seamlessly was inspiring , to say ...
I really, really like time-period-related trends. They are my favorite. Oh, except for the 1980s. I'm sorry, I know it's popular right now, but it is a huge mistake, you guys. This is some kind of cosmic joke that the ...
As you may know, the winter snow has the amazing ability to remind you that sunglasses aren't just for summertime. The bright light of day glaring off all of those tiny ice crystals can make a morning (or an especially ...
Ahhh, the Vivienne West Pirate Boot. This is the object of affection for many a boot-loving, stylish gal. (This gal, included.) But ringing in at $400-$980 - not possible. Because of the style's popularity, however, other designers took notes from ...
I'm not going to lie to you - in the winter, the number of fucks I have available for dressing myself... drops. I'm going to be wearing a wool coat 80% of the time, anyway, so instead of that ambitious ...
We've been seeing gorgeous yellow coats on all kinds of people - famous starlets, bloggers, and otherwise. Would you ever don a bright'n'sunny coat? ...
Zoe Kravitz looked so comfortable at Alexander Wang's runway presentation, but managed to keep her look edgy. Check out our Broke & Beautiful recreation of her look! ...