Out of all the states in our country, no one is having a harder time than the Navajo Nation. Orenda Tribe is a collective of Indigenous artists that create sustainable products to support their people and protect their land. ...
On one end of the fashion pricing spectrum, you have high end designers like Givenchy and Alexander McQueen, and on the polar opposite end you have foreign wholesale sites and fast fashion. Along that spectrum, at hundreds of different points, ...
I get a lot of grief about my very dark, macabre taste in things. I’ll admit - I’m not your average girl. This fashion moment will be inspired by my birthday party. I’ve had a rough year or two and ...
Let's cut to the chase: we messed up. Again. Yet another Monday goes un-wedgied, and you're right, this is unacceptable. How is one supposed to manage this life without a weekly, scheduled dose of delicious wedge candy? You're not. No ...
In my life, at this moment, a great skirt trend is occurring. My brain has its own fashion week and sartorial anthropology council and everything. Right now, skirts are kiiiind of a big deal. Hi-Low Skirt (Left to right) Planet Gold Chiffon Hilo ...
I can't tell you how happy I am that people are starting to wear color again - bright color! Pastel color! Neon color! It's an exciting time in the world of Wearing Clothes. I would like to kick of celebration ...
I saw so many things when I spotted this shirt. Tucked into a solid-color skirt, tied up over some high-waist jeans, hanging lazily over cut-offs, and almost always with a headscarf and big sunglasses. ...
So, my dude and I were sitting in a park, the sun was shining, butterflies were butterflying and and I was wearing... oxfords. Oxfords with bare ankles, but oxfords. I felt icky. Dirty... And like definitely I should have been ...
I'm not exaggerating when I say that these are one of the most searched-for items on B&B. Literally, "tights with words on them." No specifications. No need for Proust quotes or catchy hipster phrases. Just words. So words, I give ...
Maybe it's just the 8-year-old in me who still thinks handkerchief skirts are kind of cool, but I am so, so into this style. ...
At first, I thought it was a rain boot trying to blend the idea of "trendy statement shoe" with "water-repellant rubber boot" and felt eternally bad for them and their destiny of failure. ...
I raided my local Value Village and walked away with 5 silk vintage nighties for a whopping $40. Last night, possibly for the first time ever, I slept in silk. It was kind of amazing. ...
Why am I posting this now? Because this is the first season of the year that anyone will actually see what you're wearing underneath your wool coat, 2 scarves, and windbreaker-lined-with-heating-pads, so now we have to give a crap what ...
These couldn't be more appealing to me. We've been on a yellow binge, and combine that with an espadrille with an ankle strap and you pretty much have me in my weakest spot. ...
You can all thank a certain Broke & Beautiful Boyfriend for this find. I was sent a link to PFFlyers.com and went directly to the "Last Call" section, as I'm wont to do, where I stumbled upon these glorious beasts. ...
The only tees I wear are under $10 each. I bet you'd never guess that my 12 v-neck tees are all from the same brand, and they come from... ...
This year keeps threatening to be one of the most colorful years we've seen in a long time. Almost every S/S 2012 runway was filled with blinding, energetic color, and it's contagious. Go Green in Spring! For some reason, the ...
As you may know, the winter snow has the amazing ability to remind you that sunglasses aren't just for summertime. The bright light of day glaring off all of those tiny ice crystals can make a morning (or an especially ...
For a measley $1.75, this Macbook mustache (which will stick to anything smooth & dry) would make the perfect "Whoopsies" gift for all those nerd friends you decided not to get presents for, because by now you undoubtedly feel that guilt ...
I know it's the season of sandals, but that doesn't stop this shoestring budget blogger from scoping out the perfect flats for chilly nights and early autumn. 6pm.com is brilliant for finding amazing clearance deals. I rarely get out of bed ...