The 1990s throwback train is still chugging along smoothly. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised to see it surge over the next few years... Things are certainly about to get interesting, and fashion is notorious for reflecting political climates. Hell, ...

Graphic t-shirts with words on them are difficult for me. Not only does the idea of doling out free, justified boob-staring sessions squidge me out, but there are very few statements that I believe in strongly enough to have them ...

I always jump at the opportunity to review POPSUGAR Must Have boxes because they are either entirely a hit, like last month's September Must Have Box, or they are complete misses like the July box. (You can read the tea ...

For the US and Canada, this is gonna be a good week. J.Crew Factory is turning four years old! To celebrate their birthday, they're taking 50% off of everything on the site except for leather stuff, cashmere, men's suits, gift ...

Chelsea Handler has an incredibly good show on Netflix now called Chelsea, in case you didn't know, and her wardrobe is a dream come true. Her show airs three times per week and is truly one of the best TV ...

It's that exciting time of year when the beauty brands of the world start churning out their year-long projects: holiday products. Frequently, these are limited edition, but if a product really succeeds, the holiday season products can become permanent members ...

There are way too many graphic t-shirts in my collection already, but we both know that's not going to stop me from getting more. Especially now that Junk Food has released their Limited Edition Nickelodeon Collection. Junk Food's Nickelodeon collection ...

If I could, I would have a subscription to every single subscription box in existence. Getting mystery stuff in the mail is one of my favorite things, it's like Christmas! Or birthdays! Or any other time people want to impress you ...

It doesn't take a fashion anthropology degree to figure out where bomber jackets aka flight jackets got their name. Traditionally, bomber jackets were made out of really hardy, durable material suitable for temperatures at high altitudes. Leather, sheepskin, one thousand layers ...

Let's not get too wordy about this because the Nordstrom Half Yearly Sale is a feeding frenzy for cheapies like us. Luckily, there are thousands of products in the sale with all sizes available from dozens of brands, so the chances ...

The gap between fashionable toddler and fashionable old lady have finally been closed. You can now wear 100% matchy-matchy and it's not only acceptable, it's fashionable. I'm someone who can't wear a blue shirt with jeans without feeling like I'm committing some sort ...

Bedrooms are quite possibly my favorite room in a house. They are soft and comfy but also really expressive and personal. As soon as I came across this celebration of faded earth tones and earth plants, I couldn't help myself ...

Technically, there was no "Epic Bralettes, Round One," but there was a post documenting how I fell deeply in love with the wire-free life which I attribute only partially to Ilana Glazer's constantly visible cage bra in Broad City. The lingerie lust was ...

What could possibly be more appropriate to post about today than the use of cannabis and hemp in beauty products? It's on the rise, and it doesn't even get you high at all! Well, in most cases. Hemp, the fiber, is ...

Simple jewelry is frequently my favorite jewelry. If there's too much going on, I start to overthink how I'm wearing it and typically end up either taking it off or wearing something I don't really want to wear to accommodate ...