As we all know, finding an organic-fabric clothing line that offers something above and beyond blank, basic garments is a little less than impossible. I only say "a little less" because I've been able to discover a handful, Salt's Organic ...

This is an edition of ECIG that is near and dear to my heart. If you read Awakened Aesthetic or Clutch 22, you'll likely have seen the name SPUN before. A Seattle-based woman created Spun - a sustainable, organic clothing ...

Photo by ME! That's right! ME! April 22nd is officially Earth Day around the (nation? world?) and I thought that B&B should follow suit. This is the first "theme week" of many (hopefully), so let me know what you think ...

I stumbled upon this campaign on StyleDash and absolutely had to participate. Can you imagine an un-photoshopped magazine cover on a fashion rag? I can't, because I've never seen one! As a fashion photographer, it sickens me to see the ...

"Training Wheels" is a column that introduces new fashion/beauty addicts to classic must-have items from various locations, featuring one merchant per post. If you're not familiar with Lush Cosmetics, I strongly suggest you climb out of the rock you've been ...