I've always loved tap shorts because they're comprised of elements I love: good fabric, comfort, and unique style. It's hard to wear them, though, and not feel like a five year old getting ready to go to bed. So comfy! ...
Seems simple, doesn't it? Black. White. Mix together to create contrast. Well, it is that simple, but if you want to "do" black + white like today's designers are "doing" black + white, you may want to reign it in and ...
If I owned any of this, it'd be safe to say I'd be living in it. I'm not a "shorts and tights" person, but I'm a "leggings and mini skirt" person and I feel like it's almost a lateral move...? ...
It never goes away! It's like the military/safari trend, but less annoying and more fun. I'm getting so tired of seeing magazines and style blogs saying things like... "...this season's military trend!" This season's military trend? This season's safari trend?! Are ...
Yes, I am newly addicted to Design Seeds - a website full of Pin-able, Tumbl-able, covet-able images and their color palettes. There are so many, many hours of scrolling through beautiful color combinations taken from wonderful photos and images... it's ...
What a lovely little snack with my morning coffee: an extra 40% off clearance at American Eagle Outfitters. I have a surprising number of AEO items in my closet. In fact, this morning, I threw on one of the sweaters that ...
(The other post title option was "in the navy" and that's just too cheesy, even for me.) I've clearly fallen into some kind of navy haze. I'm not sure what happened, or when, but all of a sudden I went from telling ...
We've been called a great many things during our time blogging about fashion & style... Among the top of the list: excitable. I mean, where else are you going to find a beauty editor whose first discussion topic is her obsessiveness? ...
Some morning (like this morning) are not made for patience. There's no time or energy to carefully curate an outfit that makes sense. Other times, maybe you are responsible with your health & you have a morning yoga session, or ...
Sharena C. on Lookbook.nu My love for mint-colored clothing (and mint-with-red outfits) is as strong as ever, and when I stumbled upon this adorable picture of freshness on Lookbook, I felt the pangs of skirt-related jealousy creeping into my mind. I ...
I have no holiday parties to go to, as I may have mentioned 5 times before. What can I say? I'm a little bummed. I have no place to wear adorable dresses. I have no excuse to use be, or ...
For I don't know how long, I've been missing out on White House, Black Market. Lindsay and I saw an ad for WHBM while flipping through the latest In Style, and she filled me in on the details: WHBM began ...
I am the creepy person in the grocery store that seems to be in every aisle that you are. I appear to be lost because I've passed you three or four times, and I've even dropped something near you just ...
As I was whining about poppies - - I was also looking at seafoam. Nature is my bitch. And now I'm nature's. Lindsay and I both firmly believe that this outfit is doing everything right forever. The striped seafoam green ...
It's Monday, and lord knows I didn't get enough sleep. I stayed up too late Saturday night, and though had enough forethought to get up early on Sunday morning, I couldn't help taking a nap mid-day. It ruined my circadian ...