The cusp of summer and fall is the hands-down best part of the year if you're a fashionable farmer. Have you ever noticed how much fall fashion inspo revolves solely around beautiful women wearing wispy floral dresses in fields for ...
The 1990s throwback train is still chugging along smoothly. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised to see it surge over the next few years... Things are certainly about to get interesting, and fashion is notorious for reflecting political climates. Hell, ...
Chelsea Handler has an incredibly good show on Netflix now called Chelsea, in case you didn't know, and her wardrobe is a dream come true. Her show airs three times per week and is truly one of the best TV ...
When it comes to showing skin, I am a huge fan. It's been a long road getting here, but I am finally getting comfortable with the idea of traditional summer attire like short-shorts and bikini tops. I'm even okay with crop ...
The gap between fashionable toddler and fashionable old lady have finally been closed. You can now wear 100% matchy-matchy and it's not only acceptable, it's fashionable. I'm someone who can't wear a blue shirt with jeans without feeling like I'm committing some sort ...
Let's take a trip down memory lane for a second. Remember how amazing leather midi skirts are? They're kind of the best, right? They flow easily from season to season, add a BAMF vibe to whatever you're wearing but ultimately keep you in ...
Florals didn't do anything for me for most of my life, but over the last few years, their evolution from an octogenarian sofa favorite to modern, even edgy design element has been inspiring. The collaboration from budget-friendly British fashion shop Oasis and American-based photographer John ...
Having never owned any kind of leather skirt, this is kind of a step into an unfamiliar direction for me... I want a leather midi skirt more than I can really articulate, thanks to fall arriving and planting little leather midi skirt ...
Milwaukee-based department store, Bon-Ton has recently taken hold of the fashion internet as I've been seeing them everywhere, and they have announced their fall/winter private collection of clothing from their in-house Ruff Hewn line. The collection, called Ruff Hewn GREY, features a lot of edgier styles ...
Approaching autumn & winter, I have almost no concerns other than it won't get here fast enough. I'm already ramping up my fall inspiration on Tumblr and just got my first pair of "it's gonna be cold" boots last week. ...But ...
Despite the fact that I rarely wear bright colors, much less together, I always have a soft spot for pastels when they're used in really graphically interesting applications. Take, for example, this multi-colored skater skirt from Choies. ...
StyleSaint is a brand that's doing that, but on an entirely different level than we're used to. They work hard to produce their garments as ethically as possible, from the environmental impact to the fair wages, and top of that ...
A while ago, amidst my obsession with photograph prints on clothing, I developed a long-term admiration for larger-than-life graphics. When it comes to department stores and easily-shoppable places, it's not often that you see an oversized graphics that look artistic ...
So maybe budget-friendly faux leather isn't everyone's cup of bubble tea. That's something I, as a grown adult, need to learn to accept. Maybe some people are stripes people - I am also a stripes person. We can get along. Polka ...
The popularity of matching tops and bottoms is on the rise, and I'm starting to see things on the racks that... I would actually consider wearing. This is completely atypical and therefore must be examined. ...
It's been a while since I've allowed myself to indulge in any searches containing the keywords "faux leather." There was a period of time when I was writing about it 2+ times per week here, and exponentially more frequently on ...
All the luxurious fabrics of wintertime, compounded and layered like a crazy onion of fashion elegance. Velvet on top of silk on top of fleece on top of wool... Sounds insane. Probably is. I have accepted that as a possibility ...
I am not a person who people, including myself, would probably ever describe as "sporty." Once upon a time, I was actually, literally sporty but these days, the vast majority of my cardio comes from shopping in wedge sneakers. I have no ...
High-waist pencil skirts are starting to become a problem for me, in a good way. Have you tried one? One of the midi-skirts? No, seriously. You should. You will love everything about yourself, guaranteed. The top hits at your narrowest ...
The word, alone, strikes fear and unfortunate memories within the minds of 80s & 90s kids everywhere. Skorts. Ew, just looking at it hurts! Some reluctant fans have insisted on calling them "skirt-shorts," as if that prevents the vulgar, mutated ...