I can't remember if I mentioned it before, but my amazing sister, Cleary, went off and got hitched in Vegas to an wonderful (+super sex-ay) man named Dave. As we've never been a terribly traditional family, we decided to hold ...

I had my first taste of "warm" this week, as temperatures rose and sat at around 80 all day on Tuesday and Wednesday... After my cathartic first Chicago winter, it was an absolutely welcome sight. And feeling. And... well, how ...

Welcome back to the real world, guys! Earth Week was epic, and is now [semi-thankfully] over. I planned to do that about 12 hours before last Monday started, and thusly, I remember very little of my week last week, as ...

It's no secret that I'm wishing it were summer so bad, I could spit - which, if you knew me in Seattle, may come as a surprise. Prior to experiencing surviving a Chicago winter, I hated warm weather. Much of ...

Growing up, "socks" and "shoes" almost always came to my ears in the same sentence. "Get your socks and shoes on!"Any time we went anywhere, "socks and shoes!" It was engrained into my childhood. But at some point, completely unbeknownst ...

It's Tuesday, it's 8 degrees outside, it's icy... And all I want is some wonderful, salt-lick style Top Ramen. Unfortunately, that's one of the few things I can't make with flour, salt and monterey jack cheese... So I'll have to ...