Bloggers of the style persuasion tend to give off this air of utter elegance, more often than not, and the illusion that they are perfectly prepped, primped and produced every day, regardless of schedule. I, perhaps obviously?, have never been ...
I do believe I've just fallen in love. Something will need to be done about this. Boots 1 & 2 are the Doc Marten Regina boots ($150), and the rest are Doc Marten Darcie boots ($130), available on the Doc ...
Ultra-coveted shoe designer, Jeffrey Campbell, has released a shoe collection destined to fulfill every girly-girl's dream. Pink Rock, JC's first capsule collection, debuts with every "OMG MUST HAVE", on-every-blog pair of shoes from his last season - in a bright, ...
Sometimes I fantasize about a life in which I get up in the morning, pull on my boots, and head outside to feed the horses. Then I'd have eggs and fresh-picked apples for breakfast before riding to the market to ...
No, I didn't get nabbed by the mob - though doing something to deserve cement shoes would be pretty exciting (I think). I've wanted a pair of lace-up, flat boots since my grunge-laden grammar school. I must have begged my ...
Thursday mornings are such a tease. I see my semi-casual outfits, just sitting there, taunting me. But there's one more day of Big Business Clients before then (I'm still stuck in a "day job"), and that means one more day ...
No matter how hard I try, who I talk to, how long I wait - I can't quit you, Mary Jane. There was a song from my early teens that used to play on KNDD 107.7 (only the best Seattle ...
I'm not a drastically feminine creature when it comes to dressing. I think I've worn pink once in the last 4 years. There's one item of clothing, though, that I can't help but be over-the-top femme in, when it comes ...
In this case, however, there's nothing to be sorry about. As a proud nerd, I have a penchant for classic American novels. While "I LYK GUD BOOKS" doesn't really look super awesome on a silk top, Out of Print has ...
While, when going out, you'll likely see me in something that has a decent balance of draped vs. skin-bearing, were I to have more opportunities to wear more ladylike items (not necessarily appropriate for dive bars, though, my philosophy clearly states ...
I've fixated on yet another object. For weeks, I've been running into the same type of accessory... It pops up on my computer, it passes me on the street, it walks by me in restaurants - red boots. Rachel Marie ...
I have officially arrived in Seattle, ladies and gentlemen. I might be living out of the back of a Ford Expedition, eating Taco Bell and gin for lunch, and may have gotten my house towed this morning... But life is ...
Steve Madden recently indulged us in their new fall wares, and I'll be honest - I'm... kind of excited? Steve Madden sort of known for their uncomfortable styles, and their maybe-too-high prices. At the same time, though, they hold a ...
Did a little experiment last night, which lead to the following results: Step 1: Not pictured because I'm daft. Step 2: Step 3: Sleep for like 4 hours too long (oops). Whatever, it's Sunday, I do what I want. Step ...
Velvet's achieved it's bad rep through decades of misuse. Considering it's prevalence in history, one would think that using such a rich and delicate fabric would have been executed a little more thoughtfully than a series of massive hammer pants ...
It is so humid today, I feel like I'm melting. Standing outside in my pajamas, holding my morning coffee, I could have sworn I'd woken up in Savannah, Georgia. The air was orange-tinted, and through my blurred vision, I could ...
This is some very literal shoe porn. My day is so much better since the UPS guy came. Here's a peek. Hot. ...
Because no one was really in the... best condition to take photos on my actual birthday, I had to retake photos. Yes, it was worth it because I got to wear fishnets. Twice. I was so comfortable, it was kind ...
The return (once... again, ahem) of the outfit post. Life has finally calmed down just enough for me to discover old clothes, pair them with new things and - of course - wear lots of tall shoes. That last one ...
I've come to terms with the fact that I like wedges more than any heel you could ever show me. So I've started to collect them, slowly. Next on the list? Wedge boots. Mid-calf, ankle, knee-high... I really don't care, ...