Shopping for shoes in the clearance section has been annoying lately. It's the time of year when the seasons are about to change, so the prices in the clearance sections are crazy low, but most of the things I'm seeing ...
This post has been rolling around in my head for a while because I wasn't sure that this question about creepers was entirely worth asking. I vacillated between "that would be a dumb post because obviously, no, ska is dead ...
Were you as confused as I was when the chosen sandals of the summer were the same ergonomic, slide-on sandals responsible for the "Ugly Shoe Phenomenon?" What once were best used as the punchline for every joke about crunchy hippies ...
It's been at least two years since a pair of flats have been present in my life. There have been plenty of flat boots and sandals, but no actual flats. That may change this summer, thanks largely in part to my extreme disdain ...
Sometimes I get into a fashion mood or phase where I am just wearing the same jeans, the same neutral jackets, the same neutral shirts, and really only have the creative energy to express my alleged joy and vibrance through statement shoes. ...
First I saw the lilac, then I saw the mint. Then I felt too girly, so I went for the black. Then I felt like going timeless and boom, there was cream. Each one, a perfectly interesting, perfectly wearable, closed-toe ...
My sudden hyper-interest in sandals may also be due to the fact that I can't find my flip flops anywhere. They've been absorbed into my bedroom, and who knows when I'll see my Havaianas again? ...
Sandal season is upon us, and I've already broken down and bought myself my first pair of Havaianas to celebrate. Unfortunately, rubbery flip flops are not suitable for all occasions. Sure, they look fine with a maxi dress, but when ...
It's been a while since we've discussed my ever-growing oxford collection and how it's not growing fast enough. ZARA has some insane sales. I was casually browsing when I noticed that a bunch of their shoes are only $19.99 right ...
My love of ostentatious shoes knows no bounds. I love fall & winter for obnoxious-shoe-wearing because usually, you're so bundled and jacketed all the time that you don't really get to be too flashy. Unless you're like me and have ...
Recently, Marshalls challenged me to "find my fabulous." As I have an exceptionally rich and dedicated history associated with shopping at Marshalls - I wasn't the least bit concerned and happily accepted. But "finding my fabulous" proved to require a ...
Polka dots have been having a big, sweeping moment for a couple of seasons - unless you're Kate Spade, in which case polka dots define your very existence. Studs, on the other hand, partially define my existence and have since ...
Do you want to know what this post was inspired by? My morning. Not just this morning, but every morning for the past two weeks. Getting out of bed has become a sordid game of Lava Monster, and the fewer ...
Sea-farin' jacks ne'er mind much about yer trimmin's or yer linings... We prefer them wimmenz and shillings, ho-ho! Maybe some-a them fancy corsairs be rummagin' through the costume racks'n'boxes in the ports, but ne'er nay a true buccaneer! I seen the ...
I've always had a love for robots, and the idea of biomechanical... things-that-won't-turn-on-us-and-enslave-us. This also played into my need for flesh-colored shoes a long time ago. Every so often, a robot sneaks into my inspiration board and takes over, as ...
I've been enjoying the little details in my clothes lately. (Those are my lace Kushyfoot socks - they are my FAVORITE. They have a big, fat, squishy pillow right under the ball of my foot - built in to the ...