Today we are focusing on one of the classic '90s style legacies: the chunky platform sneaker, and how it's return to the spotlight is confusing and delighting the world of fashion. ...
This post has been rolling around in my head for a while because I wasn't sure that this question about creepers was entirely worth asking. I vacillated between "that would be a dumb post because obviously, no, ska is dead ...
Ever since I saw Swedish Hasbeens for the very first time, I have been attracted to heeled clogs and clog-style sandals. This has confused the living hell out of me as there's literally nothing appealing to me about clogs or ...
Here is an emerging trend that I'm actually somewhat apprehensive about: platform sneakers. Not to be confused with wedge sneakers, platform sneakers conjure images of a pastel-coated Baby Spice a la mid-90s. Also, if you were paying attention for a year ...
Sometimes I get into a fashion mood or phase where I am just wearing the same jeans, the same neutral jackets, the same neutral shirts, and really only have the creative energy to express my alleged joy and vibrance through statement shoes. ...
My love of ostentatious shoes knows no bounds. I love fall & winter for obnoxious-shoe-wearing because usually, you're so bundled and jacketed all the time that you don't really get to be too flashy. Unless you're like me and have ...
I've been spending the weekend with a really good friend, Zoë, who was visiting from Boston (she writes about hockey - Go Penguins? IDK this post is about shoes) and is a verifiable rainbow of a human. Neon pants, electric purple jeggings ...
For a minute, last week - it was summer. The sun was out, it was mid-60s in Seattle (that's summer here, ok) and I left the house in leggings under jeans, a sweater with a wool coat, scarf and gloves. ...
I've always had a love for robots, and the idea of biomechanical... things-that-won't-turn-on-us-and-enslave-us. This also played into my need for flesh-colored shoes a long time ago. Every so often, a robot sneaks into my inspiration board and takes over, as ...