Above image via Layers of Chic That title is one of the least clear I've given you in a while but do you know what I mean? I might be hypnotized be all of the "festival fashion" emails I've been ...
The gap between fashionable toddler and fashionable old lady have finally been closed. You can now wear 100% matchy-matchy and it's not only acceptable, it's fashionable. I'm someone who can't wear a blue shirt with jeans without feeling like I'm committing some sort ...
Even I have to admit that I get a little bit intoxicated by hipster iconography while scrolling through Tumblr. Instagram-ready images of girls posed in tall grass in kimono cardigans and bohemian fabrics... In reality, they're probably staging a photoshoot off ...
Maybe it's the influx of Coachella fashion emails and posts, but I find myself attracted to rompers lately. A lot of it probably has to do with the fact that it's basically Summer Pajamas - aka a onesie with all ...
Before you shoot me a thousand dirty looks for mentioning "shorts" in the middle of winter, hear me out. I mean, my argument isn't very complex - in fact, it's one word. Tights. Tights save shorts from a meager one-season ...
The word, alone, strikes fear and unfortunate memories within the minds of 80s & 90s kids everywhere. Skorts. Ew, just looking at it hurts! Some reluctant fans have insisted on calling them "skirt-shorts," as if that prevents the vulgar, mutated ...
If you're like me, your first thought when thinking of leather shorts is: sticky. Sticky thighs, sticky butt.... Sticky, humid, awful. And you're rightish. I add ish because the beautiful part of leather shorts is the seasonally transitive properties (it wear ...
I've always loved tap shorts because they're comprised of elements I love: good fabric, comfort, and unique style. It's hard to wear them, though, and not feel like a five year old getting ready to go to bed. So comfy! ...