Cleverly combining super-old with super-new is never going to be boring, and when that thing happens to be a chair made out of poly-carbonate plastic, that makes a high end design idea an option for strict-budget shoppers. ...
The time to start upcycling thrift store finds is now. I know, you've been thinking about trying upcycling for years. You maybe even considered opening a business, right? All of your love for home decor and being cheap come together ...
Since pretty much everything is 30% off during this sale (coupon code is in the Sale Calendar post), we might as well get into some trouble at Cost Plus World Market. ...
Bedrooms are quite possibly my favorite room in a house. They are soft and comfy but also really expressive and personal. As soon as I came across this celebration of faded earth tones and earth plants, I couldn't help myself ...
Yay! Yet another day that no one knew existed before a company told us: National Organize Your Home Office Day. Did you know you had a home office? You don't? Well, you do now! And you need some more stuff ...
My boyfriend found Tuft & Needle by Googling the phrase "Warby Parker for mattresses." I'm not sure what led him to do this, but when you see their website it totally makes sense. Clean and beautiful web design, low prices--and, ...
Light is something that I find to be extremely important when trying to establish a comfortable space. For two years, I lived in a dark studio apartment with little-to-no natural light, and one lamp - that, plus overhead lighting, equal ...
Not having enough furniture is a weird, weird feeling. I recently moved from a tiny one bedroom apartment to a spacious one bedroom apartment, and now there are all of these...gaps. My living room looks like this: bookcase, wall, wall, window, ...