Over at Poshmark, they’re making some serious secondhand-money moves! On top of adding an entire country to their roster (welcome to Poshmark, Canada!), they’re also adding an entirely new department to their repertoire: Poshmark Home, for all of your used ...
If you've always needed to go up a size or two when shopping at H&M, those days may be over for you. ...
Yesterday, H&M released the news that their next designer collab will be with London-based ERDEM. Prepare yourself for intoxicating floral patterns, tailored shapes with heavy doses of whimsy, and for the first time ever, a men's clothing line. ...
Have you heard this one? There's a buzz that M•A•C Cosmetics are soon going to be available at Ulta Beauty, and I just found out the truth! ...
Pinterest loves the broke folk - they've unveiled a new feature that is sure to help everyone save a few bucks when indulging online! ...
Following blogs is one of the most inspiring things that I've ever gotten obsessed with (the list is long, trust me). Not only do you get a glimpse into someone else's style, opinions, and preferences - you get a direct ...
You're online? Today? Man, your family must be either drunk or boring, and for that I am sorry! I'm highly flattered that you stopped by, but I'm afraid all I have to offer in terms of amusement and occupation is ...
We have added an Instagram feed to the site! Jennifer, Irune & I all have different Instagram accounts, but you can keep an eye on our Instagram Feed page by clicking the photo we have taped up in our sidebar! If you'd ...
So, we got into Pinterest like way after everyone knew how cool it was. Now that we're there, we're trying to get ultra excited about all of the cool stuff, but everyone's so passe about it that we only have one outlet to ...
I just made up B&BPSA. It stands for... B&B... PSA. I'm going to keep using it, I think. We are running giveaways behind your back! There, ripped the band-aid off. It's true! We've been orchestrating, and secretly dropping giveaways around ...
This year was definitely a hedonistic venture, in terms of fashion, for both Jen and me. Jen discovered an immense love of huge, ass-kicking boots, and I stumbled upon a hidden love of bright lipstick and top knots. Among our ...
Good news for nerds... We have finally been allowed to get up and running with our own page on Google+! I say "allowed" because, well, we got in a little bit of trouble trying to pretend that "Betty Broke" was ...
Maybe it's the weight of the work-week being almost over (for some of us, anyway), but I've tried to be productive, and all that I'm getting accomplished is massive Tumblr action. Some of you know (if you're a Broken Record ...
Do you love that alliteration? Half of the emergency involved in my writing this post at 12:11am was from sheer excitement over the title. The other half? Displaying the muted-tones and "well-tailored" feel of Miz Mooz's new boot offerings for ...
Yes, the lack of fashion-related content on the Style Network has driven my newly-cabled mind to the E! Network to stare at sartorially-focused television (E! owns Style - hilarious, no?). This has forced me to realize that the Academy Awards ...
The website and it sass & constant mischief have decided to emancipate from my persona and has signed up for an independent Twitter account. So. If you would be interested in hearing such fantastic exclamations as... ...Then you'll probably want ...
This year, as best immortalized by Montgomery Burns...' monkey. It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times. I spent this year moving around, getting my heart broken, getting my heart back, rediscovering old passions, and scouting ...
Well, I've officially had my "last summer vacation" in the San Juan islands. Summer might be officially over, and I have about 13' of work at my non-existent desk waiting for me to stare at it for a few hours ...
...but I did. Just for a little bit. I took an extended vacation to the San Juan Islands. It was intense and beautiful and awesome - with a little bit of scary mixed in. Either way, I'm back, and I'm ...
I've picked up a gaggle of new favorite blogs as of late, so I thought I'd share them. Amateur Couture This is maybe my dream blog. Fine art + inspired clothes. I mean, there's really not much more I can ...